Judge Me By My Size Do You?

(You may need to reload the page to get the video to show)
Russian phone thief-Messes with wrong woman.

Being a passivist and just sitting (or standing) there an taking it is for losers. This girl is not a loser. She delivers a moment of justice for all of us.


The Lost World of Communism

Life in East Germany under collectivist socialism, under Soviet rule. Told from the point of view of home movies and rare footage. There are some mature sections to this documentary. Luckily, they eventually escaped. An amazing documentary I know you’ll enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2


Introducing Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri is a soviet Defector. A KGB agent trained in the long range plans of how world communists plan to take over the united states. Hear it direct from a KGB agent. His language is quite direct. He became an anti-communist lecturer and author. He tells it just like it is, the flowchart, step by step. Many people from the past tried to warn us of the present times they wished us to turn away from. Yuri is among them.

Interviewed by G. Edward Griffin about the KGB’s subversion tactics.

A seminar given by Yuri in LA, 1983.

Yuri also used a pen name “Tomas David Schuman” and is author of 4 different books. Some of which are rare and very expensive:
(1984). Love Letter to America. Los Angeles: NATA. ISBN 978-0-935090-13-0. OCLC 19468210.
(1985). No “Novosti” is Good News. Los Angeles: Almanac. ISBN 978-0-935090-17-8. OCLC 45013143.
(1985). Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not. Almanac-Press. ISBN 978-0-935090-18-5. OCLC 62325386.
(1986). World Thought Police. Los Angeles: NATA. ISBN 978-0-935090-14-7. OCLC 23919332.

Wikipedia: Yuri Bezmenov


Ekranoplan Big as a Football Field

I have always been very interested in the Ekranoplan platform. Although not much unique ever came from the slaves of communism, this remains one fascinating concept. Could it have been used to deliver thousands of troops to New York or Los Angeles, under radar and at high speed? An Ekranoplan is a fast ship with wings. It’s not a “flying boat“. They are ground effect machines, never taking to the skies. Ground Effect is generally described as limited to a zone no higher than the wingspan of the craft.

History Channel, “Soviets Top Secret Weapons” Starting with the Ekronoplan segment:

History Channels “Soviets Top Secret Weapons” entire episode below:

An amazingly SLOW Radio Control Ekronoplane from Japan:

Is that small electric or 2 stroke power plants? I’m not sure. It sure looks BIG for a model.

A modern Seagull IV WIG:

From Russia, Ride aboard Aquaglide-5:

Promotional Aquaglide-5 video. Great early video inside.

English with the thickest Russian accent you’ve ever tried to decode!

Information sites related to Ground Effect Vehicles:

What is Ground Effect?

The WIG Page – (Wing In Ground Effect)

Most complete info and photo site for various creations: Rada Craft – What Else Is There?

Dark Roasted Blend Blogsite: Ekranoplans Showcase with photo’s of real and concepts.


Is Capiltolism Humane?

Another great talk given my Milton Friedman. What are the results of various systems of government? This talk was given before socialism/communism in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) had failed. 45 minutes.

Although not mentioned in the talk, it is also interesting to mention another failed socialist government. The NAZI party (NAZI translated from German is National Socialism) Socialism is used to gain control, complete central control of peoples, it seems so sweet at the onset, however it eliminates liberty and forces participation. To the hopeful central controllers, more important than what your day to day decisions are is who gets to decide. We are suffering from intrusions into every step of American life, how much water your toilet uses, which shower head you choose, and on and on, all for the “greater good”. Certainly, I am not saying Americans in favor of Socialism are Communists or Nazis, what I am saying is the peoples of Russia, Germany, Greece, Cambodia (Pol Pot) were entrapped by socialist ideals and all ended in failure. Literate Americans have the benefit of history in order to determine what is at the end of the socialists anti-capitalist path. We have the option of rejecting these failed ideals and avoiding the poverty and despair of Cuba, Russia, Germany and so many others. Some Americans make the argument that we can ignore history, that we never tried it fully and that’s why it will work for us, we are American’s after all. It seems a little aloof to consider oneself above history doesn’t it? One thing leads to another and so on, it is historic and undisputable, where it happens, it fails with sad results for everyone (except the ruling class).

Listen to Milton Friedman, he saw this in his own time. I wonder if he could have imagined we would have slipped so far by now? I think the answer is yes, he did imagine it, that is why he was giving these talks and warnings, trying to stem the tide of poverty and failure in socialist systems where the equality is sought and always achieved to an equal level of poverty for all of us.


Innocents Betrayed

Genocide has an interesting history, it never starts with genocide, it is always preceded by gun control. Always preceded by the reduction of a peoples capability of self defense. Those that wish you to have a lower self defense capability are not looking out for your interests. Learn of the history of genocide in the film below. After the credits there are a couple of very worthwhile interviews.

A film produced by: JPFO.ORG
