Flair factory Messerschmidt BF110 decal set. Self Adhesive. Apply over fuel proofed finish. Out of production, only one set left in stock as of 9/25/15!
Flair is no longer in the business of producing and or selling model airplanes and their parts. Any inventory we have left in stock is the last and sold as is new in package unless otherwise stated, no warranty, no return.
SKU Number: FL1255
Flair factory ASK 8 decal sheet. One Sheet. Self Adhesive. Apply over fuel proofed finish. Out of production, only two left in stock!
Flair is no longer in the business of producing and or selling model airplanes and their parts. Any inventory we have left in stock is the last and sold as is new in package unless otherwise stated, no warranty, no return.
SKU Number: FL1254
Set of factory decal sheets for Flair Baronette Fokker DRI. Self Adhesive. Apply over fuel proofed finish. 1 set left in stock as of 12/17/19, no longer available.
SKU Number: FL2045B