Magazine Myths Debunked

An interesting demonstration clarifying some important myths perpetrated about magazine capacity.

Sheriff’s swear and oath to protect the Constitution. I am thankful this oath taker is serious and is taking the time to demonstrate some important points to us.



At this moment, I’m outside on my back porch, I’ve got some scraps of lumber, cut end pieces from a house in I am repairing. The fire is crackling, it’s not too cold to be warmed today. My wife and I just returned from seeing Lincoln. I must say there were a few parts of the movie that made me wish I had studied history more and knew it better. Lots of little details in this movie. Lincoln is unquestionably the most moving and fantastic movie about historical events that I have ever seen. I can tell you without hesitation that Sally Field (plays Mary Todd Lincoln) will be receiving every award assignable for her part in this movie. She nearly ran away with it from her first scene. Daniel Day Lewis did complete justice to the unassailable character of Abraham Lincoln an will without a doubt be decorated as well. Every actor in the film pulls off their parts to perfection. It is as if you are there with Lincoln rooting for the end of slavery, pulling for the 13th amendment. I felt complete immersion in the story.

What a horrible scourge on our country to have ever given into the evil of slavery. It’s a savage, evil an unethical practice. I was in part angered then saddened as to today’s state of affairs where Lincoln’s role, a Republican congress & house is minimized. How curious it is that Lincoln was a republican, he had full republican support and had to fight bribe and threaten the Democrats at every turn to clean this filth from our country’s future. History’s greatest Republican gave the full measure of himself. How did we get from there to where we are today?

Lincoln is a stunning experience. Those that love freedom and the fundamental ideals that gave us freedom will struggle as I did to keep a dry eye. Highly recommended, although it would be nice if more than the choir went to see it. Some ideals are worth struggling for, worth fighting for as we still do and I trust you do as well. Let freedom ring!

Dave Thacker
Radical RC

Internet Movie Database: Lincoln

Thirteenth Amendment: Wiki Page

Thirteenth Amendment: See Actual Document

News In History Blog Site with: newspaper reports from the era.

Fredrick Douglas Repuplican on historic voting record of congress and other facts: Did You Know?<\a>


Freedom works in Oklahoma: Kendra Lives!

Photo By: 770 KKOB-AM, Kendra St. Clair
To the great dismay of the anti-self defense crowd, Kendra St. Clair, a 12 year old Oklahoma girl remains unmolested, unbeaten and undead when she defends herself against a piece of societies trash with a Gloch 40. According to Bryan County Under Sheriff Ken Golden, the perp had busted in the back door of the home, the girl opened fire when the man turned the doorknob of the closet she was hiding in.

Police said the 40 caliber bullet struck 32-year-old Stacey Jones in the shoulder, scaring him out of the house. He was arrested a short distance away and charged with first degree burglary. I bet that stung a little bit eh?

Unbelievably establishing once again that guns don’t kill people, little girls defending themselves from dangerous villains do. However, don’t think this evidence will mean anything favorable for you with the anti-self defense anti-constitution Kool-Aid drinking crowd. They are going to keep fighting for the neutering of America and Americans in every way possible. It’s up to you and I to do our part to stifle these dreams. Hey, encourage them to move to Uganda or Rwanda where the dreams of total gun control and seizure have been realized and mass murder of unarmed citizens ensued. See for the Gun Control Genocide Chart and learn about “Death By Gun Control”. Famous for gun control are Khmer Rouge, Hitler, the millions killed in Nationalist China after private ownership was banned or severely restricted. Not company I wish to align myself with.

Stacey Jones relearns what most of us already understand, it’s dangerous to assume that it’s your right to forcibly liberate citizens of their hard earned money, property or freedom. Protecting your self from these sorts of persons is without a doubt one of the very reasons these rights are guaranteed in America and need to be protected and preserved. I am without a doubt fully proud of my country, my constitution and my right to do as Kendra St. Clair did and protect myself and my family from evil. We’re glad your still here Kendra!

Read more:
ABC News.
