What follows is my letter to the editor of the Daily Standard sent 11/12/2015
Editorial content regarding the ban and profiteering on technology toys in Celina.
Merry Christmas to the parents of children with dreams of the worlds latest technology boom. Celina counsel members Larmore, Eric Clausen, Fred LeJeune and Fleck wagging their smoking sulfurous finger have decreed your children have no right to play with their flying Christmas gifts on their parents own property. These children and their parents must pay the city in order to operate a toy airplane or helicopter on their own property, in the park or on private property. The supposed land owner can’t grant permission or use their land peacefully to their own pleasure. But wait! Permission is for sale by the Celina City Counsel! Flying toys are no longer on the 3×5 card of approved activities within the city limits.
These council members dream of a right to collect a living, to charge a toll for the use of “their” air. You pay them if you wish to use your property (you own the parks as well as your home) or risk fines (theft) and arrest if you persist in pursuing happiness peaceably and safely. May the citizens of Celina find the courage to join with me in ridicule of these pursed lip technology averse all-knowing overlords.
City leaders criminalize the peaceful to aggrandize themselves while enriching their office. Another victim-less crime to add to the list of enforcement opportunities. What a lesson the Celina Police department can teach the youth of Celina about the importance of respecting officers and the law by imposing this ridicules Objection to Liberty! Any Officer, Chief or Sheriff who will not refute and refuse to enforce this Objection to Liberty should be tossed out on their ear. Join with me by fully and clearly rejecting these pitiful representatives of Celina. In your name citizen, they punish the innocent peaceful users of toys. Can this be the most pressing concern within the city limits? Shame on the leaders of Celina. What next? Shall we walk technology back to the wagon wheel? A book burning? Do we outlaw Frisbee’s and footballs? Permits for cell phones? Larmore, Eric Clausen, Fred LeJeune and Fleck, SHAME ON YOU!
Dave Thacker
Tipp City, Ohio
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Please call and message these Objectors to Liberty on Council.
Jeff Larmore 419-586-5951
Fred LeJeune 567-890-1920
Mark Fleck 419-586-6270
Eric Clausen. 419-586-1573
Let the Mayor know how disappointed you are about the technology ban in Celina here:
Jeffry Hazel 419-586-5823
Letters to the Editor of THE DAILY STANDARD:
Please Like Share and Promote. Let us help push these Objectors to Liberty back into the sewer! Do Something to defend your hobby and Liberty now. Each group of predators who get away with this offence will embolden the predators who claim a right to manage you. It’s time to just scream no.