Thoughts from the workbench of Radical RC. The online retailer of electronics and kits for radio control aircraft. Dave Thacker shares his thoughts and knowledge of electronics, batteries, kit design and overall enjoyment of the hobby.
Steve’s built a beautiful 1905. He has added some scale detail including flying wires and pilot.
Low Pass – Easy Climb Out
We can clearly see a pilot capable of flying this model right in it’s sweetest spot, low and slow.
Pilot Acknowledges Photographer
“Hi Dave,
I was at our local field last week, and one of the guys took 60 some jpg’s of the Flyer. Some turned out excellent…! I did a low and slow fly by (didn’t think it was quite that low!) and he caught the whole sequence. I also really like the turn down wind… Use any that you might like.
Outbound to setup for another pass.
Thanks for providing the great photography Steve.
Entering the plyon turn at Reims, France, August 1909.
Site is titled “S. A. C.” (Strategic Air Command).
Actual page with many photo’s and information about various Wright props and Engine is called The Wright Brothers Engine & Propellers. Great photo’s including engine internals and factory images.
On special occasions The Wright Experience starts this engine … the engine (Wright Bros No. 20) was built under the direct supervision of Mr. Charles E. Taylor. Mr. Taylor also built the 1903 engine which powered the world’s first heavier-than-air flight on December 17, 1903 to the Wright’s specifications. This 1910 engine was started on June 17, 2000 for the first time after being in storage for more than 80 years. At that time No. 20 was the only Wright artifact “doing work” and is considered a “National Treasure” by those associated with it.
Present at this start … October 30, 2007 … were ArthurF, SalG, AntonioQ, BobB and JimD. GregC, master “engine mechanician” was in charge of the operation. Ray, a long time, The Wright Experience, associate, can be seen looking on in the background. Those of us familiar with this engine and its importance to our aviation heritage are drawn to its sound like moths to a lamp. Note: Those present at a start up are asked to sign the engine’s log. This engine powered aeroplanes as they accomplished many of aviation’s firsts. It powered the flight when New York City was first filmed from the air and many other such activities too numerous to mention here. The large galvanized tank adjacent to the engine is there to provide water for engine cooling … the aircraft radiator is not used for demonstrations. Suspended above the engine is a small gas tank used for demonstrations. The “fan” or “club” replaces the propeller and is reproduced here exactly like the one used by Mr. Taylor and the Brothers.
Photo from United Aircraft Corporation film, property of United TechnologiesOne of my favorite podcasts is “The Naked Scientists” produced in the UK. The July 22, 2012 podcast just released is entirely about the history of aviation. Charlie Taylor built the early Wright engines including the first one to fly in 1903. He is honored as the worlds first Aviation Mechanic. Much of the podcast covers the development of engines for flight. Lots of cool information on jet engines. Early in the podcast a surpise; a short clip of Charles Tayor speaking.
Home website of “The Naked Scientists” with many excellent science and engineering podcasts.
Home of the Wright Experience where you can hear and see 85 year old Charlie Taylor.
Three men were involved in the invention and development of the first powered airplane-that’s right three. Everyone knows about the Wright brothers, but that third man was Charles E. “Charlie” Taylor, a quiet genius who loved cigars and the sound of machinery. Although he contributed to one of man’s greatest achievements, “Powered Flight,” his name was almost lost in aviation history–until now–and if it hadn’t been for Charlie that first powered airplane would never have gotten off the ground……
A worthwhile read, the history behind history. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. To read the full story on AvStop Magazine: The Man Aviation History Almost Forgot