Capitolist Buys a Plug In Hybrid? Ford C-Max Energi Part 3

You might wonder why a couple of proud capitalists would purchase a plug in hybrid car? The vast majority of media outlets never pass a chance to describe lovers of liberty and free markets as people who want dirty air and water. We reject their racist analysis. Racist? Ok, I’m taking lingual liberty. They certainly are drawing a circle around a huge group of people and saying “They are all bad like thus and thus….”. And, the statement is completely untrue. Perhaps racist isn’t the right word, however is it “news” if it’s delivered with a slant? No, it’s propaganda or opinion, not news. 😉

Anyway, we are to one degree or another technology nerds. Also, I’ve always had an interest in electric transportation. I’ve built some hot rod electric scooters that I use at shows. At the moment, I have some projects underway to electrify a classic mini bike. So, as a family, we have operational 3 forms of electric transportation.

A few reasons. I don’t like giving money to people that hate us. As an American, I consider it a matter of patriotic pride to limit my consumption of products imported from the Middle East. I like electric powered transportation and have always dreamed of building electric bikes, scooters, motorcycles and cars. My wife and I are technology nerds. It’s a cool car and technology is just fun to play with.

Not a reason: Man Caused Global Warming Hoax. This is a huge scam religion perpetrated by those wishing to weaken America (anti-capitalists), those wishing to take American pride down a few notches (can you name a few American Apologist Politicians?) and those in academia (scientists) who survive on money for government studies that seems to pour into any public panic. If you hate me for stating these things, don’t look up any data on rise of CO2 following global temperature rise, it will disappoint you in the so called scientists that signed the original report and Al Gore. CO2 does not drive global temps, it follows it. What warms the earth is (do you remember grade school?) is that gigantic ball of intense fire we call the sun.

I don’t need to make up lies or silly make-believe theory’s to justify being clean, thrifty or patriotic (my personal expression of one aspect of patriotism). Others may need a Santa Claus, I’ll stick to facts and logic. Hokey religions and Three-card Monte are no match for a good logic at your side, kid.*

*Hans Solo adaptation.


Yet Another Flying Car

Mizar Star; A flying Pinto
I was watching Top Gear UK (my favorite show) when it was mentioned a Flying Pinto was inspiration for Scaramanga’s flying AMC Matador used in The Man With The Golden Gun.

A company designed a flying car called the Mizar around a Ford Pinto and a the wings, tail and pusher engine of a Cessna Skymaster.

Google Chrome users may need to hit F5 (refresh) to view videos.

Here is the promo video for this intrepid product:

The designer Smolinski and his associate, Harold Blake, were killed in the resulting fiery crash. See the wiki page HERE. It’s reported there were 2 completed and 3 others under construction. I wonder if under some dusty cover somewhere there is another the Mizar Air Car?

Blogsite with more information and newspaper clippings: The Flying Pinto That Killed It’s Inventor

Mizar flying car makes a famous list: TIMES’s List of 50 Worst Inventions Ever. Funny thing is the Pinto is listed twice, once with the Mizar and once all by itself.

The Aircraft/Car dream has been attempted many times, maybe you remember the Moller Skycar. Like so many others, it offered great promise to investors yet is reported to have never done anything but tethered hover tests in 2003. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against this or any other concept. In fact, I have some “kook in the garage” sketches of my own ideas for a garage-able flying car. I don’t doubt any nut-crackers* sincerity here, just recognizing the useful and acceptable shape of a car isn’t a very friendly shape for an aircraft.

Moller Skycar Tests:

Story: Is Moller on the Ropes?

A link to Moller International is not provided as my computer warned me of a virus threat when i tried to visit it.

nut-cracker; In this context, person with sincere desire to solve a difficult problem.


RC Hobby Center

RC Hobby Center Building
Address: 2130 Harshman Rd., Dayton, Ohio 45424
GPS Geeks: Latitude+39° 48′ 6.62″, Longitude-84° 7′ 48.55″, (39.801839, -84.130152) ‎
Phone: (937) 436-6161
Email: RC Hobby Center Email (

ModelRama Vendor?: YES

Located 1.9 miles and 5 minutes west of the US Airforce Museum, just west of State Route 4. Across from Morris Furniture Mart.

What you’ll find:
Aircraft, radios, building supplies, smart slot car track, rc cars/trucks and parts. Service department. Home of Ganster Graphics. This shop puts on indoor flying evenings at the Irvin J Nutter Center throughout the winter months. Sign up for shop newsletter to be informed of dates.

Visual of Location:

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Map & driving directions from US Airforce Museum to RC Hobby Center.

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Street View (image outdated) location of new RC Hobby Center building:

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Midwest ModelRama

Models Models Everywhere!

Real Customers Browsing

Midwest ModelRama Details. It’s time to write it on you calendar and plan to attend the ModelRama. It’s held each year in Dayton Ohio and is the largest Swap/Auction in the Tri-State. As you can see from the 2011 images, it’s a show with plenty of shoppers and lots of tables loaded with goodies. Your sure to find new and used ready to flys. We always have a good selection of models from excellent to resto. Also lots of suppliers and goodie boxes galore to root through. Not only a good selection of of used but also new will be on hand. Bring a few extra bills, your sure to find something worth sneaking in the house here. If you’ve got some items you want to clear out, try our auction. We’ll turn that pile of once-loved goodies into cash so you can get what you really want.
