The Lost World of Communism

Life in East Germany under collectivist socialism, under Soviet rule. Told from the point of view of home movies and rare footage. There are some mature sections to this documentary. Luckily, they eventually escaped. An amazing documentary I know you’ll enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2


North Korea Documentary: Secret Filming, Country In Ruins, Little Left To See

What happens after the establishment of collective nirvana? When all capitalism (individual reward for accomplishment & voluntary exchange) is stamped out? Check out a very interesting documentary. It happens in a similar way wherever this ideology is established. Yet there are those pushing to convert our country into this same dream world. May we in our life see this ideology ridiculed out of existence. It’s a mater of life and death. I stand for Liberty.


Biden: Obama Might Use Executive Order to Deal With Guns

Listed on Drudge, an article from The Weekly Standard reports:

“Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns.

“The president is going to act,” said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. “There are executives orders, there’s executive action…..”

Obama Might Use Executive Order to Deal With Guns

After 4 minutes and 20 seconds of excuses and other low information voter mindless jibberish, Joe Biden gets around to confessing: “the president is going to act, there are executive orders that can be taken..”

What is next? Liberty does not die all at once, it’s step by step. One small step at a time. And those that suffer it’s loss often participate voluntarily.

Below quoted from: “this day in history” segment.

“…January 30th….. In 1933, president Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany.

The year 1932 had seen Hitler’s meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people’s frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty. A charismatic speaker, Hitler channeled popular discontent with the post-war Weimar government into support for his fledgling Nazi party. In an election held in July 1932, the Nazis won 230 governmental seats; together with the Communists, the next largest party, they made up over half of the Reichstag.”

Socialists and Communists working hand in hand in 1932 Germany? No, say it ain’t so! Could it happen here? Has socialism run a-muck again? In the 30’s it was deep hatred of Jews, today we are not too friendly to Israel and we hear much similar hateful speeches describing employers and the rich. Hate is hate no mater the target, it’s ugly. And, Germany is a good example of how easily Liberty can be uprooted and replaced by Tyranny while people cheer.

From the wiki page: Gun polotics in Germany we quote the following:

“The 1938 German Weapons Act… the law restricted ownership of firearms to “…persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a (gun) permit.”

Additionally “Jews were forbidden from the manufacturing or dealing of firearms and ammunition”

Yes, under Hitlers socialist Germany, law was enacted stating you must “show a need”. Sounds just like the enemy’s of Liberty today doesn’t it! The old battle to enslave or execute peoples by first disarming them has never ended. While it’s true the Germans were racist-socialists and the current leadership is anti-capitalist socialist, to gain power the methods are the same, a scapegoat is manufactured to blame all of societies woes (Even though mostly caused by government). It’s not long before there are Purges & reeducation camps. Have they successfully convinced you that employers and entrepreneurs are to blame? We hear about it on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC and CNN on an almost nightly basis.

Another important point on “need”. No where in our US constitution is the word “need” used to describe our rights or privileges. Use CNTL-F to search the US Constitution: here Sadly, this campaign to judge maters and make law in the USA according to need started a long time ago. It was written by Karl Marx “to each according to his needs.” Read Karl Marx in context on the wiki page: Here It’s part of a fascinating paragraph where he describes the highest goals of his society as “after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want;”. You might notice (if you take time to read it) that “Pursuit of happiness” is never suggested as an important value. I think Karl is describing the perfect slave, his highest want is labor. The same wiki page linked above also describes Karl Marx’s Communism as “scientific socialism”. Not my words mind you. These people and the views they espouse and promote are dangerous. Can you reject the path they suggest?

Directly dictating our constitutional rights by executive pen, that’s a dictatorship. Perhaps we are a socialist dictatorship now? Have you un-wittingly supported the end of America? Have you hid your head from all the warnings? Are you sick for not doing enough to stop it? Do you even care?

It’s the normal condition of man around the world to be on average – dirt poor and subject to tyranny. It has remained that way throughout the ages with only rare exception. America is a great experiment to see if Liberty can triumph over tyranny on a long term basis. That experiment tests the idea of short circuiting the natural movement towards tyranny by establishing a non-centralized form of government. A non-concentrated management of the country were “We the people” can have meaning. Yet, we drift willingly to concentration of more and more power in fewer and fewer hands. And where are we? We are so soft now that the President can have his VP float trial balloons about possible dictatorial orders without fear of significant reprisal or political penalty. Our lives depend on fighting for Liberty day and night with our every breath and stroke of pen. When Honey Boo Boo gets higher TV ratings than either political convention, there is no question, apathy has become completely entrenched. It’s almost over America, what channel was Honey Boo Boo on anyway sweetheart?

When will they come for you? When will they come for me?

My name is Dave Thacker and I’m doing something about it.
What will you do about it today?


Tuning Static Out of Modern Communication

 Thomas Nast's most famous drawing, "Merry Old Santa Claus",
Thomas Nast’s most famous drawing, “Merry Old Santa Claus”,
I received an email forward recently from a familiar and friendly source. It really took the cake. It claimed that Snopes (a well known site for investigating Internet rumors and chain email claims) was a left wing Democratic/Communist group funded by George Soros. While it’s true that George Soros is a left wing commie, the linkage to Snopes was just another fabrication used to trick somebody into forwarding “Information EVERYONE Must Know!”.

Please avoid participating in forwarding these chain emails. They are part of a greater hobby similar to those that write computer virus programs. It’s all about getting you to forward their viral email fiction all over the Internet so they can see how far and wide (how viral) they can spread a story they wrote. We would all do well to avoid stuffing the Internet and your friends mailboxes with items you’ve not bothered to look up and verify for yourself. Just because somebody you trust sent it to you, does not make it trustworthy. Remember, whoever they are, they once believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. They are not evil, just fallible and they have fallen prey to a “Fairy Tale” like belief that everything they see on the Internet is true.

The letter I sent follows:

Every viral chain email that mentions Snopes as a form a credibility or non-credibility is at least 95% certain to be non-credible.

Here is the About-Snopes page:

About Snopes Info Page

The purpose of these outlandish emails is to try to get viral status and see them come back to you from all over the world. It’s part of the virus hobby. They write these to get you to forward them. They are almost all 100% hogwash. It’s not unlike an important part of the HAM Radio hobby, who’s purpose is often to make as many contacts all over the world as possible. Viral Email’ers are creative writers of fiction for sure, yet they contribute only static. It’s not much different from unwanted telephone sales calls.

When I check these forwarded emails, I find only one or two per year that are true. They tug at your heart strings on one level or another so you feel compelled to forward them. If it urges you to forward to all your friends, you won’t hardly ever be wrong if you just assume it’s a fabrication and delete it.


Do your own research at: Snopes
Another great site is: Urban Legends
