Tentative Agreement Reached To Appease.

Widely reported, for the first time since the tragedy in Newtown where a madman was allowed free reign in a public school to kill all he wanted, a new gun control law is on the horizon.

See story below:
Bipartisan Gun Control Agreement Announced On Background Checks Huffington Post

While the “Gun Show Loophole” continues to be tossed around. Notice the news never explains that all commercial sales at gun shows already are put through a NICS check. The only sales that are not put through the background check are those between private individuals. Yet, the “loophole” term is tossed around in a way to convince people that you can go to a gun show and buy whatever you want from whomever you want without a background check. It’s a lie, a deception. The only sales of firearms without a background check are those between private individuals. If you trade with a neighbor or co-worker, there is no background check. Like wise, if you go to a gun show and rent a table (they are swap meets) to sell your unwanted items, you are allowed to sell your private property, including a firearm without putting your buyer through a background check. It’s a private sale, your not a gun store, your not under the same restrictions as a gun store. According to reports, the new law still allows sale between private individuals without a background check. So, what have they done?

The problem is laws hindering Liberty, making some citizens 2nd class (not completely free) like teachers and school administrators for example. The problem is your and my public property being made a preferential treatment zone for criminals and non-free Liberty Objecting zone for law abiding citizens. The predator goes to the easy prey, where the prey is weak and neutered by Liberty’s Objectors of any defense. As fantasized, he has his way with the prey, prey the church of “safety through weakness” created. Created by Liberty’s Objectors. I lay at the feet of these church zealots not the madman’s act, rather that he is allowed his force to kill so many without forceful objection. May we in our time, rather than lamenting the deaths of many at the hands of madmen, come to trust teachers and administrators with full citizenship. We should be celebrating the hero Principle leaving madmen like Lanza in a pool of his own blood. Of course, it wouldn’t serve the purpose of disarming America, so more will die and the cycle of ignorance, the cycle of hindering Liberty as part of an evil advance against Freedom continues. There is no objective morality in using force of the state to prevent a free citizen from using deadly force to protect themselves and those they love against deadly force. By addressing a problem created by Objectors to Liberty in a way that does not remove Liberty’s hindrance, we do nothing. Cowards and Conspirators with Madmen win.

We deserve a more objective reasoned governance in this country. What are you willing to do about it?


Evil Finds a Way

Although I wrote the following comments over approximately a 10 day period, I chose not to publish them prior to the last funeral out of respect for the families.

A horrible tragedy unfolds in a school, a wacko kills 26 persons, 20 of which were children. Before the bodies are removed, it is seized upon by many including the mayors of New York and Boston as an opportunity to further curtail Liberties.

We shouldn’t be surprised, their brother Rom Emanuel is famous for confessing an underlying philosophy.

My prayers go out to the families and victims of this depraved insanity. I feel ashamed there are those Americans among us whose crassness allows them to confiscate their immeasurable loss for further attacks on our Liberties and freedoms. As if you and your freedom were to blame for this wacko’s actions.

During the memorial service, a high government official was vowing to use all the power of his office. The speech mentioned 4 shootings during this administration. However, he omitted one, there were five. Left out was Fort Hood where a Muslim terrorist Maj. Hasan assisted by an on-base gun-free zone attacked Americans. A place where our soldiers, sworn to fight to the death for our freedoms were forced to be disarmed. (should I say not trusted, to be armed?) 13 people died in that self defense free zone. Do you remember? They side tracked the real reason these people died by defining it as “workplace violence”. A military base, you can’t have more command and control than a military base. Maj. Hasan walked right into the so called “Soldier Readiness Processing Center” and killed 13 soldiers who’s readiness was not respected. Why did he fail to mention this 5th failure of gun control? They controlled soldiers on a base, disallowing our most trusted defenders of freedom to be armed and 13 of them were killed. Yes, I blame the controllers that SO MANY died. I empathize with you in wishing we could, yet I know we cannot really trust this government or any other government to protect us. Sure they’ll be on the scene to take the reports and investigate and blame the inanimate objects. It’s our first responsibility to keep our own selves and families safe. To protect ourselves from a government official investigating why we died.

Those who wish us to be weaker are planning to use the actions of this madman to argue that you have too much Liberty. As if it is your fault American, you and your ilk are to blame. While they are protected up to the eyeballs in Washington with firearms, barriers, missiles and technology, they desire you and I should have no choice. Somehow the problem is our Liberties, not the evil mental case that did the deed. Of course, it suits the needs of those seeking to take bites out of our constitution to blame you and me and our freedoms rather than a determined individual that committed the crime or the people who organize the zones where self defense is prohibited.

Do I think every teacher and school administrator should be carrying a weapon? Shouldn’t it be up to them, up to each American if they choose to do so? That’s Liberty! What if Liberty were not obstructed with opposing regulations? If Liberty where not hindered by it’s opponents, who’s to say there would not have been some small number of school employees able to provide lethal resistance to this killer? No, rather than allowing free people to defend themselves and those they love, we forced those teachers into charging the gunman unarmed, shielding their pupils with their bodies (unarmed) or running (unarmed) from harms way. Limiting citizens to these frightening choices is held up as the high moral ground by some. I am aghast with shock and horror at the ignorance of many. We trust our teachers with our children. If they wished to do them harm, there is nothing stopping them. There is nothing stopping a knife, a gun, poison, physical abuse, if they wanted to do them harm they could. They have them all to themselves, even alone in classrooms all day long. Yet to satisfy some sick political cause against the Liberties of Americans, we prevent them from exercising the power to protect our children. We create an environment that favors evil, an environment that favors the sick wacko. A free fire zone where there are none whom are “free” to resist evil with equal force. The wacko knows how to avoid a fair fight and where to find preferential treatment. Time and time again they go to the anti-self-defense zone and they enter that zone with the full knowledge it’s been designed with a philosophy, with misguided intentions, not effective defense. Our Anti-Self-Defense zones are most effective at creating space for madmen to do whatever they want. To be in charge.

Wacko’s don’t seem to have any difficulty arriving at such simple logical conclusions. They understand where the way is easy and where it is difficult. It’s not complicated. Are you smarter than a wacko?

My name is Dave Thacker and I’m doing something about it.
