Shale We Allow Our Property Rights to Evaporate?

It’s by slow increments we give away our Liberty. Next time you are thinking of voting in a little more power, a transfer of money to those voting against you, a new tax, more zoning, more inspections etc. Next time you are considering voting in any more authority for government, smack yourself awake. Our very right of private property is under attack. And, it’s under attack by us. The perceived benefits of more regulation is always much greater than reality. Don’t get sucked into this ideology, an ideology of force that says others know better than you whats best for you. When you vote others more power over you, in effect you are enslaving yourself to their ideas ahead of your own. It’s a symptom of collectivism where we are each enslaved to each other. What happened to the American individualist? The respect of Liberty?

For some reason, a reload my be required to get the embedded video to show up.

Video 1:
John Stossel The End of Private Property

I think he should go ahead with the pigs & Paint the house pink. Objectors to Liberty need to be stood up to. We need to give them what they deserve. Yes, I said deserve.

Video 2:


This Weeks “Too Stupid” is Awarded to a City and it’s State

Since 2001 there have been 2000 American deaths in Afghanistan. Up to the election in 2008 there was quite a lot of grumbling from some about being involved in any kind of war or action. As if there is anybody that expects that war should be a popular thing to begin with. Since the election, we haven’t heard much about it from the anti-war, anti-self defense crowd. Isn’t it weird how it’s ok when they are in power but not when they are not in power? Amazingly during that same period there have been 5000 deaths in Chicago. We don’t hear much about Chicago and it’s enormous murder rate. It’s a wonder such a tragedy could be occurring on our own soil but it is seemingly ignored. Do those that hate our participation in any war really give a damn about American deaths? Is it the flexing of American muscle they really hate? Is it pretend concern for political gain? They ignore Chicago, one city with 2.5 X as many deaths. Isn’t it obvious the overriding concern is not American deaths?

I am a strong unapologetic believer in your (our) right to self defense. Thankfully those rights are spelled out in our constitution. I make no apologies for our constitution and I hope you are likewise and proud of America. It’s a terrible tragedy that so many people are dying in Chicago Illinois. Illinois is a non-free, non-constitutional state in the union we call America. In Illinois, you’re prevented from owning a handgun by which to protect yourself from a thug with a “handgun”. Is our country really a union of like minded people when we allow some citizens to be brutalized by politicians who think they have the right to pick and choose which constitutional rights their citizens can enjoy and which they cannot? Chicago, the most famous gun free zone forced on Americans turns into a killing zone.

Shame on you Illinois, shame on Chicago. The leaders of this state and city that continue to deny honest people the right to defend themselves are confederates in these crimes. These accessories to the crime should at the very least be charged and tried for manslaughter if not murder itself with each and every death of a citizen who was denied his right to self defense. The rights they deny have predictably made Chicago one of the most dangerous places in America to live and visit. A city more dangerous than Afghanistan. Any force that urges rejection of our constitution and constitutional rights of Americans, is a force for harm to mankind. I reject the wolves that wish our country or our individual citizens to become weak “sheeple”.

Wherever guns are banned there is a huge increase in violence. They will never learn. Where there are defenseless citizens, there will be criminals feeding on them. Isn’t it insane that people think the next gun law will be the one the criminals obey? Listen to lefties talk and try to blame everything but government weakened defenseless citizens

Chicago’s Killing Fields
