The Government Ought To……
“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others.” | Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
I’ve become a believer in a concept which seems radical at first. However, as time moves forward it is becoming more and more obvious. I am for the complete separation of government and economics.
James May, A Toy’s Story: Glider Across the English Channel
Can a free flight glider with only the aid of an autopilot to keep it on course be successfully flown 22 miles across the English channel? Can they overcome the a bloated idiot government of France trying to stop them? Will it make landfall or crash flaming into the sea???? Are modelers the coolest people on earth or what?
Introducing Walter E. Williams
Walter Williams in not what you’d expect. A boy from the projects that has become one of the greatest living minds regarding to liberty and economic freedom and economic improvement. He’s been fighting for freedom as an economist for decades. He exhibits real strength of character by promoting the values he believes in even against the winds what is popular. He continues as a rare and precious gift to students at a George Mason as a professor. If you don’t recognize the name, I am betting you’ll recognize his voice from radio.
John Stossel freeloaders 3-25-11
Charles Darwin theorized (and I think quite correctly) If there is something there to eat, there will be something there eating it. It’s a fact of life that applies to economics as well as food sources. I know my readers are smart and will you’ll understand exactly how it applies to this video.
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Not Surprising – The sUAS NPRM Release Date has been Pushed Back Again
According to the May update on DOT’s Rulemaking Webpage the projected publication date for the small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) has been pushed back to October 2012. Sources close to the project speculate that we may not see the somewhat contentious proposed rule until after the 2012 Presidential campaign. My money is on the later…
See more at AMA Government Relations Blog.