Thoughts from the workbench of Radical RC. The online retailer of electronics and kits for radio control aircraft. Dave Thacker shares his thoughts and knowledge of electronics, batteries, kit design and overall enjoyment of the hobby.
Licenses are an objection to Liberty. They stand in the way of voluntary exchange. To be free, you and I must be at Liberty to negotiate exchanges voluntarily. I ask you, what is wrong with Liberty? Check out this video and see if your confidence in big brother might be just a little shaken.
Makes you think a bit doesn’t it! I ask you, are you for Liberty? Seriously?
200% of the signatures required to boot this Liberty Objector out of office through the recall process have been submitted. Bye bye John Morse, president of the senate and lead Liberty Objector in Colorado.
Let us cast this Objector to Liberty out on his ear. It’s the ideology of John Morse in their legislation for Colorado that one man can be held responsible for another mans evil deeds. It’s people like him that set up the situations where 20 children can get shot in the face un-opposed by even one lawfully armed and free citizen. He favors the current public school policy of lamenting funerals over celebrating hero’s. Lets let Liberty Ring in public schools. If Liberty were not obstructed by laws designating our public property non-constitutionally free places. (can you believe we stand for that!) then perhaps 4 or 5 of the school teachers would have been armed and this madman’s fantasy could have been avoided or greatly reduced. I am for celebrating hero’s over lamenting funerals. Let us ridicule the ideology which includes forced membership in the Church of Safety Through Weakness. Limiting our teachers and administrators to only running, hiding or fighting back with scissors is irrational, evil and just plain heartless. Do you know why it’s such a joke to go to a gun fight with a knife? Because it’s sooooo stupid. Let us end the tyranny these Objectors to Liberty have established on our public property. Lets us push this ideology back into the dumpster of history’s failed Darwin Awards to which it belongs. I am for Liberty, no apologies.