
Just wanted to send you a short note to thank you for your great, quick response from the “crystal exchange program”! I mailed two crystals in for the first time last Saturday and received my requested ones this Saturday. Wow! Radical RC” Crystal exchange program” really rocks! I’m an older, retired, fixed income RC flyer and such a program is a big plus to me.

Thanks again!
Jerry 03-17-2013


2.4GHz: Is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Artical at Model Airplane News written by: Dave Horvath

This is an important artical explaining some of the reasons why 2.4ghz has issues. People can be counted on to always presume that newer is better. I was very late to start using 2.4ghz due to reliability issues. With about 1/3 of our hobby being replaced by newbies every year, it makes perfect sense that not many lifers are left that remember what standards of reliability we had acheived with 72mhz. Dave Horvaths artical is important reading to gain a broader understanding of how things work.

Dave Thacker


“Their service is top notch. I have ordered wheels, other parts, they came ASAP. Each year at Toledo, they have a booth, I try to get lots of parts from them. Dave and his crew are really good. Dave did a seminar at the JR Indoor Festival a couple of years ago about lipo batteries. I was so glad I went and listened. He saved me many dollars and prevented me from making some really stupid mistakes. I also got an ammo box from them at the JR Indoor Festival. So, Radical RC is a great place to shop.”


March 2009


“Reflections on the 2004 JR Challenge

Hi Dave, I’ve had a few days to recover from the travel and reflect on the 04 JR Challenge and it occurred to me that one of the most overlooked parts of the trip was the performance I received from my power system. I say overlooked because it was such a non-issue the entire week. I arrived Mon afternoon too late to get any flying in; Tue – 6 12 minute flights plus some time on the ground making system adjustments – at the end of the day both flight packs were still in the 6.2 volt range under load; Wed – a duplicate of Tues. Thurs and Friday competition flights I flew on a single charge. What’s more, the TX pack I installed in my 10x the week before went the entire week un-charged and never dropped below the 10v level! My only regret is that my flying wasn’t up to par with my battery performance. Thanks for great products and great service, keep up the good work, hope to see you in Muncie for NATS!

Ty Lyman
Carden 40% Edge – 2 x 2700 NiMH packs RX, 1 2700 ignition.
JR 10X – 1650 NiMH”
March 2004
