Virtual State of the Union 2013 (Guns)

Some of you may be aware of my uncompromising belief in Liberty. I wrote about the Newtown tradgedy earlier this year in an article titled: Evil Finds A Way.

Bill Whittle has an interesting series of video’s called “The Virtual President”. See what he would say if he were president. Free speech at work.


Tentative Agreement Reached To Appease.

Widely reported, for the first time since the tragedy in Newtown where a madman was allowed free reign in a public school to kill all he wanted, a new gun control law is on the horizon.

See story below:
Bipartisan Gun Control Agreement Announced On Background Checks Huffington Post

While the “Gun Show Loophole” continues to be tossed around. Notice the news never explains that all commercial sales at gun shows already are put through a NICS check. The only sales that are not put through the background check are those between private individuals. Yet, the “loophole” term is tossed around in a way to convince people that you can go to a gun show and buy whatever you want from whomever you want without a background check. It’s a lie, a deception. The only sales of firearms without a background check are those between private individuals. If you trade with a neighbor or co-worker, there is no background check. Like wise, if you go to a gun show and rent a table (they are swap meets) to sell your unwanted items, you are allowed to sell your private property, including a firearm without putting your buyer through a background check. It’s a private sale, your not a gun store, your not under the same restrictions as a gun store. According to reports, the new law still allows sale between private individuals without a background check. So, what have they done?

The problem is laws hindering Liberty, making some citizens 2nd class (not completely free) like teachers and school administrators for example. The problem is your and my public property being made a preferential treatment zone for criminals and non-free Liberty Objecting zone for law abiding citizens. The predator goes to the easy prey, where the prey is weak and neutered by Liberty’s Objectors of any defense. As fantasized, he has his way with the prey, prey the church of “safety through weakness” created. Created by Liberty’s Objectors. I lay at the feet of these church zealots not the madman’s act, rather that he is allowed his force to kill so many without forceful objection. May we in our time, rather than lamenting the deaths of many at the hands of madmen, come to trust teachers and administrators with full citizenship. We should be celebrating the hero Principle leaving madmen like Lanza in a pool of his own blood. Of course, it wouldn’t serve the purpose of disarming America, so more will die and the cycle of ignorance, the cycle of hindering Liberty as part of an evil advance against Freedom continues. There is no objective morality in using force of the state to prevent a free citizen from using deadly force to protect themselves and those they love against deadly force. By addressing a problem created by Objectors to Liberty in a way that does not remove Liberty’s hindrance, we do nothing. Cowards and Conspirators with Madmen win.

We deserve a more objective reasoned governance in this country. What are you willing to do about it?
