Thoughts from the workbench of Radical RC. The online retailer of electronics and kits for radio control aircraft. Dave Thacker shares his thoughts and knowledge of electronics, batteries, kit design and overall enjoyment of the hobby.
My good friend Archie Phillips in Alabama introducing the next generation.
Hi Dave,
I know you are interested in getting young folks interested in Model
Aviation. Last Saturday my club helped at the NASA Space and Rocket Center
Aviation Challenge event. Here is a photo of me planting the seed with a
little one (he was thrilled). Later I introduced his dad to flying and we
“set the Hook”.
No serious consideration of global warming is complete with viewing this documentary. Many professors, a founder of Green Peace, weather specialits and forcasters. A former adviser to UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, BBC Broadcaster and other scientists.
Martin Durkin’s Great Global Warming Swindle:
After discussing with a college professor who was convinced “man caused” global warming was a real and present danger because another professor he asked said it was true and because of a movie. I took time watch his movie: Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. I was amazed at how convincing it was. You’ll find Inconvenient Truth is quite thoroughly debunked in the Great Global Warming Swindle above. Particularly the lie that increasing CO2 in the atmosphere preceded rise in temperatures when actually when temps increased CO2 increases lagged by approximately 800 years. A fraudulent attempt to deceive millions into believing the Global Warming hoax. I can see certainly see how many were duped into believing this nonsense. American’s don’t often take time to become students of important issues. They just accept the explanation that sounds best to them and move on. This sad and simple truth is the tendency that so many scams are built upon.
Professor Carl Wunsch, Oceanography at MIT, Visiting Professor Oceanoraphy Harvard University and University College London, Senior Visiting Fellow Mathematics and Physics Cambridge, Author 4 major textbooks on Oceanography.: Wiki: MIT Professors information & publications page
Since temperatures have been falling for years and so much of “Global Warming” and the IPCC report has been completely discredited, they want to change the name of the religion to “Climate Change”. A hoax is a hoax no mater the name.
I’m not a big fan of the gradual banning of lead. Sure, I love kids and all that. However, the enviromentalists take everything too far with what they clothe in “for the greater good” arguments. It’s really an anti-capitalist movement. And, I’ve been trying for a long time to figure out what is pro-job about being anti-capitalist.
I can understand how lead in paint which breaks down slowly over time, becomes chips which get smaller and eventually turn into dust. It makes sense not to put lead in paint because we’ll eventually breathe it. However, no matter how hard I try to kick the dirt around on the floor, electronic circuits soldered with leaded solder or lead free solder don’t jump into my mouth. Maybe the difference is hard for some to see? What is it like to wield the power to ban an element on the perodic table?
So, on to tin whiskers…..
RoHS is an EU (European Union) directive that has become enforced law. RoHS means “Restriction of Hazardous Substances”. The problem is little consideration given to what is a Hazardous use of a substance and what is not. I don’t hear reports of children eating circuit boards or solder joints in wires for example. Is it about health and public safety, or about creating a portal by which government and regulatory bodies can exert command and control over huge industries and the influx of goods into a country?
Since the EU has issued RoHS directives, lead has been removed from most solders and from the tinning on electronic leads. Pure tin is now used for almost all electronic component lead tinning. Over time it forms whiskers of tin which are thinner than a human hair. They are only one crystal in thickness and they reach out and touch leads of other components. It’s often the reason why today’s TV’s and other electronics (including our RC gear) doesn’t last as long as yesterday’s. Failure of expensive satellites have been attributed to lead-free tinning of leads causing tin whiskers. It’s our punishment for letting the “zero tolerance crowd get traction and get this nonsense pushed into law all over the world. When you get a chance, in any way possible, do your part, do something about it.
Here are some great links, good reading and photos of our gift from the enviromentalists, “tin whiskers”.
I’m still looking for examples of children that were poisoned from eating circuit boards and wires.