Why Barrack Obama is making the right move on Cuba

I agree with President Obama on opening up with Cuba. Probably for very different reasons than why he is doing it. You might disagree and point out Che hated and killed black people and you’d be right. You might also point out all the firing squads and mass graves of Castro’s Socialist revolution. You’d be right. Many horrible things have been done in the name of “the greater good”. Whenever I hear the utterance of that term, it is always employed as justification of violence or threats of violence being used against a persons natural Liberty to peaceably make their own choices. It appeals to the worst element in mankind’s capacity to use violence and force to control others for the achievement ones own personal goals and objectives.

While the Castro’s, Che and many of their past and current actions are truly evil, what of the people that live in Cuba? Is our disgust, is the enemy of Liberty the people who are imprisoned by the Castro’s?

As a first principle, I regard all attempts to control and limit voluntary exchange as evil. If the people of Cuba wish to trade with the people of Florida or Texas or France or Alaska or Russia or whomever, why not? How do you or I gain a right to act as a 3rd party controller preventing two willing and peaceful people from trading? Simply stated, our embargo hasn’t kept one steak or lobster off the plates of the Castro’s. They live like kings off the people they farm in the name of the “greater good” regardless of our personal offense. I see no right, effectiveness or kindness in refusing an element of freedom to an oppressed prison population of a Socialist state.

As an aside, if they wish to be free from the slavery of their service to the Castro’s, it can only happen when they have something to be free for. It can only happen if exposure to glimpses of freedom and Liberty grows in them a desire to take care of business. By interacting with them, we can provide that encouragement and example.

No person has a right to control, limit or inhibit voluntary exchange between two other people. If we wish to be free, we must identify and reject those who claim a right to impose their choices on others by force.

Clearly, if you wish not to trade with Cuba or consume Cuban products or offer products to Cuba, I support you in your choice. I wouldn’t dream of using force to make you consume or provide services to anybody anywhere. I ask simply that you to consider conferring the same respect of personal Liberty to everyone.


The Government Ought To……

“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others.” | Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

I’ve become a believer in a concept which seems radical at first. However, as time moves forward it is becoming more and more obvious. I am for the complete separation of government and economics.


Core Values of Freedom

Let me recommend a documentary; Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

My wife and I recently watched it on Netflix using our Roku. This is a modern documentary covering a powerful philosophy. Learn what the “Right to the pursuit of happiness” really means. Here is the trailer:

I would classify this documentary high on my list of must watch films. You’ll find enlightening coverage of why we are in the financial crisis we are in and why we’re going where we’re headed. Our system trains us to forget, this will help you to remember and perhaps avoid an unpleasant future. Perhaps you’ve heard of Atlas Shrugged or Ayn Rand and wish to know a little more about it. The documentary is a quick cliff notes version of here philosophy. I would definitely recommend taking in this film, it will help you understand the recent movie Atlas Shrugged better to have this foundation. Look it up and Enjoy!
