Getting type rated in a DC-7.
Can you think out of the block?
I love all things interesting mechanically or engineering wise. Check out this engine project. Great engineering and thought whet into this. You can tell by how simple it is. Any dummy can engineer a solution with great complexity. Genius is in working out simple solutions. Notice carefully how few parts he made or modified. While not a new idea, it’s well executed.
Hear the Voice of Charles E. Tayor
One of my favorite podcasts is “The Naked Scientists” produced in the UK. The July 22, 2012 podcast just released is entirely about the history of aviation. Charlie Taylor built the early Wright engines including the first one to fly in 1903. He is honored as the worlds first Aviation Mechanic. Much of the podcast covers the development of engines for flight. Lots of cool information on jet engines. Early in the podcast a surpise; a short clip of Charles Tayor speaking.
Home website of “The Naked Scientists” with many excellent science and engineering podcasts.
Home of the Wright Experience where you can hear and see 85 year old Charlie Taylor.