Why Barrack Obama is making the right move on Cuba

I agree with President Obama on opening up with Cuba. Probably for very different reasons than why he is doing it. You might disagree and point out Che hated and killed black people and you’d be right. You might also point out all the firing squads and mass graves of Castro’s Socialist revolution. You’d be right. Many horrible things have been done in the name of “the greater good”. Whenever I hear the utterance of that term, it is always employed as justification of violence or threats of violence being used against a persons natural Liberty to peaceably make their own choices. It appeals to the worst element in mankind’s capacity to use violence and force to control others for the achievement ones own personal goals and objectives.

While the Castro’s, Che and many of their past and current actions are truly evil, what of the people that live in Cuba? Is our disgust, is the enemy of Liberty the people who are imprisoned by the Castro’s?

As a first principle, I regard all attempts to control and limit voluntary exchange as evil. If the people of Cuba wish to trade with the people of Florida or Texas or France or Alaska or Russia or whomever, why not? How do you or I gain a right to act as a 3rd party controller preventing two willing and peaceful people from trading? Simply stated, our embargo hasn’t kept one steak or lobster off the plates of the Castro’s. They live like kings off the people they farm in the name of the “greater good” regardless of our personal offense. I see no right, effectiveness or kindness in refusing an element of freedom to an oppressed prison population of a Socialist state.

As an aside, if they wish to be free from the slavery of their service to the Castro’s, it can only happen when they have something to be free for. It can only happen if exposure to glimpses of freedom and Liberty grows in them a desire to take care of business. By interacting with them, we can provide that encouragement and example.

No person has a right to control, limit or inhibit voluntary exchange between two other people. If we wish to be free, we must identify and reject those who claim a right to impose their choices on others by force.

Clearly, if you wish not to trade with Cuba or consume Cuban products or offer products to Cuba, I support you in your choice. I wouldn’t dream of using force to make you consume or provide services to anybody anywhere. I ask simply that you to consider conferring the same respect of personal Liberty to everyone.


Swap And Fly August 11, 2012 – Wingmaster Field

Wingmaster Field
Wingmaster Field
Every year in August the Dayton Wingmasters host a Swap and Fly. This year is the 4th annual Swap and Fly, it’s scheduled for Saturday August 11th. Last year we had a full house with a lot of merchandise being bought and sold. Every year it seems to grow and grow. This is an outdoor tailgate swap, bring your own tent/tables if you wish, give a good deal and get one. In addition we welcome you to fly with us at one of the area’s nicest fields. Cost to enter is free. $10 for selling space, first come, first serve. Food is available on site. We hope to see you there!

Swap And Fly
Swap And Fly

Gate Opens At 8:30 For Sellers / Set-Up Swap Meet Starts At 10:00 – Flying Starts At 12:00 – Flyer Below

2012 Wingmasters Swap And Fly Flyer

Wingmasters info and maps on Radical RC Workbench Blog

Wingmasters Club Website


Health of Trade Shows & Skunk Wurks Project For Toledo!!!

Radical RC @ Toledo Expo
Radical RC @ Toledo Expo

I have a strong conviction; if we want strong trade shows, vendors need to make sure they show people something new at the show. In todays world of instant internet communication, the moment some new product becomes available, it’s announced and the word is spread instantly. Back in the day, there was an extra level of excitment when attending Toledo or any other big trade show. It was you chance to see the newest stuff, your chance to get out a couple months ahead of the magazines. Your chance to know what was going on in our hobby. If you didn’t go, you were left behind, perhaps to be stuck behind the news and technology curve for the entire season.

For a number of years, we’ve worked hard to do our part to show people something new at The Toledo Show. It’s every vendors responsibility to contribute to a healthy trade show future for all of us. Our hobby needs healty magazines, healthy suppliers, healthy hobby shops and certainly healthy trade shows.

If your a vendor at a trade show, I encourage you do the same. Are you really so desparate and hungry you can’t hold back on exiting item a few weeks to do your part to add excitment to your favorite show? Think about it.

A recent meeting with national parks officials sparked my enthusiasm to work on a highly requested project. Sorry, can’t tell you what the meeting was about…….. However, you will see it in the booth at Toledo and you’ll want one. I’m very excited to test it out myself. It is perhaps the coolest thing to come out of our shop.


Why Hold A Club Swap Meet?

There are many reasons. Most clubs having expenses to maintain and improve their model airport have need of revenue. A model swap meet can make a terrific fund raiser for this or any other purpose. It can also serve as an off-season gathering for your regions pilots. A time to renew friendships and refresh interest in our sport.

Having managed one of the country’s largest swap meets for well over a decade, I speak from experience. The ModelRama has celebrated it’s 13th year in 2012 with a record setting 174 table reservations. Our first two events were 80 tables (filled the hall we were using) and the event has grown steadily ever since. It’s my major volunteer effort each year to support the Dayton Wingmasters and our Model Airpark “Wingmaster Field”. No one puts on an event of this nature single handedly. Our event has enjoyed excellent support from our club members every year. We’ll talk more about Volunteers in a later post along with many other considerations like date planning, setup times/hours, important positions you’ll need volunteers for, getting the vendors, getting the swappers, getting the modelers there, selling raffle and 50/50 tickets, holding an auction, walking sales, indoor flying and more.

If your already holding a similar event, perhaps you’ll find something here to improve your results. The suggestions and ideas that follow where not arrived at out of thin air. For about a decade, Radical RC (my family business) attended 25 or more club swap meets per year. I’ve witnessed much good and some bad and have tried to combine all the best idea’s in one “Super Swap Meet”. We make adjustments every year and are always looking for a better way to do everything.

We may alter these posts at any time as knowledge and opinions evolve. Consider these a series of articles suggesting current best practices. You can rest assured however, that if you follow these guidelines, you’ll have a successful and profitable event. It will be the most popular event of the year and probably the least amount of work per $100 earned of anything your group has ever done. Give it a go!

Look for these posts to accumulate within “How To?” sub category “How: A Successful Swap Meet”.


ModelRama 2012 In The Books


We had a great time at the Modelrama. It was our highest grossing Swap Meet so far. I’m glad you let us sell shirts during the auction because we had another $200.00 in sales after the auction started. The best selling design was the Jumbo Corsair………

Darryl Iott
IM Screen Printing Co.


I just wanted to take a minute and thank you and all the Dayton Wingmasters for the fine hospitality my wife and I enjoyed at the swap meet last Saturday. All the folks we met were so kind and gracious to us, we had a wonderful time. If we didn’t know better, we’d have thought you were all “Sutherners”. Please extend our thanks to everyone who worked to make the event go so smoothly, and to all the R/Cers who did business with us, we really appreciate it, and we’re looking forward to coming back again next year.

Thanks again Dave. Dianne and I look forward to seeing you again next year, or maybe next month at Perry, Georgia.

David McCormick
Dave’s R/C Electronics

Setting a new record again with 174 table reservations and thousands of dollars in auctioned models. Approximately 500 modelers attended from 5 states. The weather was a bit cool at 15 degrees Saturday morning. A perfect day to spend inside hunting new and used RC goodies! We thank you for attending and thank all the volunteers that worked hard to make this event a winner year after year. Mark your calendar for Feb 9, 2013.


Midwest ModelRama

Models Models Everywhere!

Real Customers Browsing

Midwest ModelRama Details. It’s time to write it on you calendar and plan to attend the ModelRama. It’s held each year in Dayton Ohio and is the largest Swap/Auction in the Tri-State. As you can see from the 2011 images, it’s a show with plenty of shoppers and lots of tables loaded with goodies. Your sure to find new and used ready to flys. We always have a good selection of models from excellent to resto. Also lots of suppliers and goodie boxes galore to root through. Not only a good selection of of used but also new will be on hand. Bring a few extra bills, your sure to find something worth sneaking in the house here. If you’ve got some items you want to clear out, try our auction. We’ll turn that pile of once-loved goodies into cash so you can get what you really want.
