Thoughts from the workbench of Radical RC. The online retailer of electronics and kits for radio control aircraft. Dave Thacker shares his thoughts and knowledge of electronics, batteries, kit design and overall enjoyment of the hobby.
The most despicable thing ever perpetrated against our veterans happened recently when someone saw fit to call a “time out” to honoring them. And to top it off materials and an increase in personnel expense were required to enforce it.
A video popped up in my YouTube stream having a little to say about respect and honor. The littlest among us understands, how can anybody make excuses for an adult? Respect.
Life in East Germany under collectivist socialism, under Soviet rule. Told from the point of view of home movies and rare footage. There are some mature sections to this documentary. Luckily, they eventually escaped. An amazing documentary I know you’ll enjoy.
Great video worth sharing. Perhaps you have a veteran of WWII in the family. I plan to show this to my father in-law who was stationed on Hawaii although not at the time of Pearl Harbor. Freedom is not free.
If your on your way to Dayton, odds are your visiting the Airforce Museum. I can’t tell you more than the official website, however I can offer that that you will need more than a day to enjoy the museum properly. Plan on 1.5 to 2 days to really take it all in and not be rushed. The IMAX movies are lots of fun and very reasonable in cost. It’s a great way to rest your feet in the middle of the day.
Look to plan your trip during special activities or perhaps when a significant modeling activity is underway in the Miami Valley. The museum holds many special events each year. You can meet great hero’s like living Doolittle Raiders and others. There are often special tours behind the scenes or in resoration facilities. Wings & Things Guest Lectures are given on aviation history and technology.
Tung-Sheng Liu (third from right in white jacket) stands with the crew of Lt. Travis Hoover. He helped these men escape capture following the Doolittle Raid. He later immigrated to the United States and was one of four individuals names as honorary Doolittle Raiders. (U.S. Air Force photo
Spend some time on the site to see what’s going on and be sure to check out my list of significant modeling events in the area. Plan time to visit some local hobby shops. You never know what you might find hanging from the ceiling or perhaps you’ll see a project underway that will light fire under your enthusiasm.