Location: located at 3688 Byron Road near the town of Byron Ohio. This field is North East of Dayton proper.
Contact Email: wrightstate.renegades@gmail.com
Access to the field: Combination lock
GPS Geeks:39.792098,-83.979385
Address:From Dayton Yellow Springs Road, driving North on Byron Road about 1/2 mile, gate is on right in tree’d area.
AMA Club Charter: #4208 Formed: ????
Club Dues: $50, Juniors $15 Average Membership: 15 Memebership Limit?: No
Flying Hours: Open 24 hours.
Club History: This club formed out of a loose group of flyers that gathered to fly at a Wright State University Parking Lot for decades. After some construction projects rendered the lot less useful, they formed a club.
Renegades at Wright State Lot Freeze Fly

Membership Information: The club is open to all AMA Members.
Guest Flying: I am aware this club allows guests of members to fly. Stop by on a Saturday or Sunday and your sure to find some flying going on.
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What you’ll find: The Renegades have an interesting cloth runway over hardpack. It’s the same material used under Astro-Turf sports fields. There is some paved pit area, a storage shed. Bring your own shade, power, seating and work surface. The Renegades are very active night flyers.
Special Notes From Dave: It’s always “Gentlemanly” to observe the AMA Safety Code as a baseline at any new field until all local rules, etiquette and customs are learned. Be aware some fields have routine full scale air traffic nearby, others very little or none. It takes time to become aware of all the special concerns and routines at any new flying field.