December 12,2012: Another zone were self defense is forbidden, where dying at the hands of a wacko is held in higher moral regard than defending your own life or the lives of other Americans. Clackamas Town Center Mall, A place where your life is flippantly put at risk. Hey wackos! Come here! Come to our place where we have disarmed the “sheeple”, easy victims for you to prey upon. Score two more innocent deaths for the anti-self defense cause.
I know the anti-self defense crowd must get warm fuzzies when they post a “No-Guns” sign. I don’t question their intentions. I’m sure their intentions are good. However, when you measure the results of gun free zones, of forbidding self defense, what you really have done is made your “zone” an attractive place for a law breaker or maniac to let loose his sick fantasies upon your customers and friends. The owners of this mall are complicit for creating a dangerous place to inhabit. I am sorry for the families of the loved ones who were lost, sorry our country tolerates this kind of ignorant stupidity. Shame on you for creating another place that gives preferential treatment to criminals.
At best, missing from many people’s education and upbringing is the simple lesson that predators seek easy victims over difficult ones. Do Hyenas feed upon Lions or Gazelles? Or, do they simply begrudge you your right to choose to be a Lion rather than a Gazelle? For some it’s ignorance, others pure politics, they are offended by American liberty to choose anything.
At Radical RC we respect the right of every American to self defense. Any visitor or employee is not only welcome to carry a weapon if they wish, it’s respected. Failing to exercise constitutional rights risks lowering ones appreciation for the gift of freedom and liberty we enjoy in this country. And, it weakens our resolve, easing the way for those who are continually chipping away at our liberties. I respect your right to choose, what I don’t respect are the tyrants that feel it’s their right to choose for you.
If I err in any way, I choose to err on the side of Liberty.
My name is Dave Thacker and I’m doing something about it.