Graphics set by Gangster Graphics for any of our Radical RC Mini Hunter Sport Fan. Quality cut vinyl graphics with transfer tape as will as water silde decales for the items with finer details. Could be used on other smaller models for fantasy scale US Coast Guard markings. SKU Number: DECALSUSCG
Graphics set by Gangster Graphics for all of our Sticks. Choose the Eindecker in either Blue/Yellow to match our Blue and Yellow color schemes like our factory kit photo of our Micro Low Stick or Black/White. For traditional Red and White Sticks (red wings with white bands containing black cross, red vertical with white cross, white fuse with black snakes) choose the Black/White decal set. Both sets come with two style spoke cover decals (Ying-Yang and Checker). Quality vinyl graphics with transfer tape, ready to apply. SKU Number: DECALSEINDECK
Graphics set by Gangster Graphics for any of our Sticks. British Style. Quality vinyl graphics with transfer tape, ready to apply. SKU Number: DECALSBRIT
Graphics set by Gangster Graphics for any of our Sticks. Udet/German Style. Quality vinyl graphics with transfer tape, ready to apply. SKU Number: DECALSUDET
Graphics set by Gangster Graphics for any of our PT 19 Army + Windows Stryle. Quality vinyl graphics with transfer tape, ready to apply. Our largest & most detailed graphics set. SKU Number: DECALSMITRAINER