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Adhesives/CA/Epoxy - Misc adhesives found here, choose Sub-Category link below for specific product type. Be sure to check out Composites Category other related items like Resins, Fiberglass Cloth, Micro Balloons and etc.
Sig Quick Filling Polyester Finishing Resin 16oz/1 Pint

Sig Quick Filling Polyester Finishing Resin 16oz/1 Pint

FINISHING RESIN also works great for fuel-proofing engine compartments. Because of its thin viscosity, FINISHING RESIN is not recommended for molding fiberglass parts - use Sig Polyester Glass Resin instead. FINISHING RESIN must be chemically activated with "hardener" in order to cure. It absolutely will not dry unless hardener is added! Because the amount of hardener required can vary slightly depending on the curing time desired, we feel it is a better value to buy the resin and hardener separately. Sig Resin Hardener is listed in this menu.
NOTE: Finishing resin has a limited shelf life of 2 to 3 years, and should be used promptly. Please do not order more than you can use within that time. Store in a cool place, excessive heat will shorten shelf life. 

Finishing Resin is thinner than normal epoxy, it spreads and wets out superbly. It is used to fill the weave on light fiberglass finishes or as the final coat on heavier cloth. Also works great for fuel-proofing engine compartments. Brush-on surfacing resin for sealing balsa and creating a glass-smooth durable base for epoxy or enamel paint.

Contents 16oz. (1 Pint) NO HARDENER.

A brush-on surfacing resin for sealing balsa and creating a glass-smooth durable base for epoxy or enamel paint.

It has a thinner viscosity than regular Sig Glass Resin for maximum penetration into the wood.

  • Simply brush Finishing Resin onto the bare balsa.
  • Before the resin cures, squeegee off any excess resin with a plastic epoxy spreader or ordinary stiff playing card.
  • Wipe off any runs or drips with a paper towel.


SKU Number: SIGFR001
Price: $36.00 
Quantity Available:  1

Sig Finishing Resin Kit

Sig Finishing Resin Kit

Finishing Resin is a brush-on polyester surfacing resin designed exclusively for sealing balsa wood and creating a super smooth durable base for epoxy or enamel paint. May also be used on silk, other fabrics and used to apply 3/4 oz. glass cloth for an even more durable surface. Thinner than assembly epoxies, finishing resin wets out cloth (and into grain) better than any other epoxy type leaving the surface smooth and ready for paint with the least prep work. This convenient kit includes enough resin to do an average .40 - .60 size airplane. The first time I used this fine product was to water proof/glass the fuse of a scratch built seaplane. Many uses and easy to apply.

The Kit Contains everything needed to start right away:
6 Sheets of 9x12" TRI-M-ITE (best sandpaper for epoxy surfaces)
Mixing Cups
Mixing Sticks
Instructions for use (on can)




SKU Number: SIGFR003
Price: $52.00 



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