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Your A123/LithiumWerks Life Nano Phosphate Multi Cell 1100mah Custom Electric Flight Packs Source!

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A123/LithiumWerks Life Nano Phosphate Multi Cell 1100mah Custom Electric Flight Packs

A123/LithiumWerks Life Nano Phosphate Multi Cell 1100mah Custom Electric Flight Packs

Note, see single cell listing above for specifications for these cells. We are happy to build your A123/LithiumWerks Electric Flight Pack for you. Packs are built by our professional in house from factory fresh cells. No worries about older manufacturing dates or earlier cell versions here. All packs include the XH Balance plug which is the worlds most popular. Fits Astro Blinky directly. Packs utilizing more than 6 cells will have multiple balance plugs.

Helpful Hint: For reasons of economizing your packs over more models if the cell count is large, it is often better to use two shorter cell counts in a series Y in the larger model so the 1/2's of the pack may be used in other smaller models easily. For example, Rather than order one 7 cell pack, order a 3 and 4 cell, plug into series Y harness then into your ESC. Now you have a 3 and a 4S pack for other smaller models.

We use only genuine A123/LithiumWerks cells, we do not stock any of the low performance off brands.

Select your cell count, shape, wire, wire length and output connector below. Want 2S (2 cells)? See specific listing for sku #RRC2S1100.

Balance Plug Note: XH balance plug is single up to 6 cells, multiple over 6 cells. Want a longer length? Order and XH Balance Extension for desired length and cell count.

Wire Size: g=Approx Gauge, See our Silicone Wire listings for more details/strand counts etc...

Shape Note: Flat and Block Offset is most popular. Block is 2 flat packs, one over the other, Block Offset is one pack laying in the valleys of the other which is about 1/3 cell diameter thinner and wider. Stick packs (end to end soldered cells) are the most difficult to service if a cell must be replaced later. Double Stick packs are often called "Shotgun" packs. Triple Stick is like 3 Barrels in a triangle, Quad Stick is like 4 barrels 2 over 2.

Photo shows example 3 cell Triple Stick pack with XH Balance plug and Deans Ultra output plug on 480 wire.


SKU Number: RRC00S1100
Price: $0.00 
Cell Count 
Pack Shape 
Balance Connector 
Output Silicone Wire Size 
Output Wire Length 
Output Connector 



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