Your Dymond DIGISWITCH Power Regulator & Switch 6V JR/JR Source!

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Dymond DIGISWITCH Power Regulator & Switch 6V JR/JR

Dymond DIGISWITCH Power Regulator & Switch 6V JR/JR

Digital Control Power Regulator and Switch Linear BEC

Product Introduction

Linear High Precision Regulator system (No switching Noise generated)Digital Controlled Electrical (MOSFET) Power Switching System.

3steps Low voltage sound and visual warning indicators.

The DYMOND DIGI SWITCH is an electronic switch with a powerful integrated BEC for use with two-cell LiPo battery packs.

The DIGI SWITCH provides a low voltage control for the connected LiPo pack, that outputs a visual and audible signal as the battery pack gets empty.

Linear BEC without any switching noise

3-stage low voltage warning

Extremely low power consumption in the off state (only 0.047 mAh)


Nominal input voltage: 7.4V, 2-cell LiPo, max. > 1

Output voltage: 6V

Rated current: 5.5A continuous current at then 5V output voltage


Self power consumption

Off: 0.047 mAh

Off: 0.047 mAh

On mode: 3.9 mAh

With signal: 21 mAh

Dimensions: 59 x 20 x 21 mm

Dimensions for mounting hole: 17 x 46 mm, 19 mm mounting depth

Weight: 19.8g

Low voltage warning

Below 7.0V: Slow sound and flash frequency

Below 6.6V: Medium Speed sound and flash frequency

Below 6.0V: Rapid Tone and flash frequency

1. When the switch is on/off, press and hold the button for about 1 second.

2. Regulator built-in digital electronic switch.

3. When the voltage drops, it will be notified by LED lights and sound.



Price: $55.00 



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