Your PARBOND 30 Minute 4 ounce Epoxy Source!

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PARBOND 30 Minute 4 ounce Epoxy

PARBOND 30 Minute 4 ounce Epoxy

High Quality 30 Minute Epoxy. Use epoxy where a strong non-brittle bond is required. Firewalls, landing gear blocks, wing hold down bolt blocks, fuel proofing and on sensitive materials like foam. 30 minute epoxy is best for quick repairs and new model construction where lots of working time is required. Also excellent for wetting out small fiber glass sections.

Hint! Need your joint to cure a little faster? Take a covering heat shrink gun to the joint and warm it up. Be carefull, the heat will at first cause the epoxy to become thinner, it might run out of the joint and make a mess. Also, be warned! A little heat goes a long way and can cause your glue to dry faster than you had planned. You can also preheat the glue before applying to the parts or pre heat the parts.


Learn about epoxy from an expert at RCModelReviews

SKU Number: PARB3004
Price: $7.50 



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