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Your Power-Sonic PS-1270 F1 7 Amp 12V Sealed Lead Acid Field Battery Source!

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Power-Sonic PS-1270 F1 7 Amp 12V Sealed Lead Acid Field Battery

Power-Sonic PS-1270 F1 7 Amp 12V Sealed Lead Acid Field Battery

Great for running starter/fuel pump/ glow driver or even for powering up your chargers. Will handle most peoples needs for a day of indoor or park flyer charging. Note larger electric models require larger field batteries than this. Just to give you an idea, I'd expect this battery to fully charge through your charger an 3C 1000mah lipo about 7 times. A 450 3S pack about 14 times. You get the idea. Gang 2 together in parallel for more charging time if you need it. These cells are high output relative to most gel cell types. We've connected a 100amp load to them made for testing full size car batteries (YIKES!) and it only put the meter in the yellow. So, they can really pump out the amps. 

Dimensions: 5.94 inches x 2.56 inches x 3.70 inches. Weight: 4.8 Lbs






SKU Number: PS1270F1
Price: $27.89 



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