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Your RRC 1S 70 mAh Single Cell raw Super High Discharge 20C Source!

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RRC 1S 70 mAh Single Cell raw Super High Discharge 20C

RRC 1S 70 mAh Single Cell raw Super High Discharge 20C

Raw cell with solderable nickel tabs. Super High discharge 20C. 1.8G/0.060oz. Great little cell for sub mini indoor ships.
Lithium packs/cells require a Lithium Ion Charger rated for the correct number of cells as Ion and Polymer share the same charging method. Priced below in various configurations.

DIMENSION: 2.6cm Long (w/tabs) x 1.3cm Wide x .5cm Thick 


SKU Number: RRC1S0070HD20C
Price: $5.00 



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Questions on this RRC 1S? Email us at Sales@RadicalRC.com 

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