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Sullivan R-1 Round 1 Ounce Tank

Sullivan R-1 Round 1 Ounce Tank

Sullivan is the world's leader in the number of the shapes, sizes and styles of its fuel tanks. From the smallest 1 ounce (30 ml) tank to the extra large 32 ounce (960 ml) tank, there is a Sullivan tank to fit almost any model. All tank kits include the hardware needed for glow fuel operation, including twist-tie clamps and both brass and nylon tubing. Sullivan molds fuel tanks from two materials:

Standard Tanks are molded from a rigid high density polyethylene blend. With the S484 or S489 Gasoline Conversion Kit, they may be used with gasoline or diesel fuel.

Size: 1-1/4" (32 mm) high, 1-1/4" (32 mm) wide & 2-1/8" (54 mm) long.




SKU Number: SUL400
Price: $7.45 



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