Complete steering arm. TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK SKU Number: SIGSH101
Complete steering arm. TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK SKU Number: SIGSH102
Collar with swedged on steering arm. Control radius is 12mm. For 3/32" and 2.5mm nose gears. Useful for other torque rod purposes also. Small steering arms are difficult to find today. NOTE: Single arm SKU Number: MPJ2240B
A Complete Steering Arm assembly from Du-Bro. 1 per package. SKU Number: DUB166
Collar with swedged on steering arm. Control radius is 5/8" (16mm). For 3/32" and 2.5mm nose gears. Usefull for other torque rod purposes also. Small steering arms are difficult to find today. SKU Number: MPJ2243
Complete steering arm assembly, Nylon with clevis drilled for 2-56 wire. Klevis meaty enough to drill for 4-40 also. TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK SKU Number: SOT116
Collar with swedged on steering arm. Control radius is 5/8" (16mm). For 3mm nose gears. Easily drilled out to 1/8". There are no other available steering/torque arms for 1/8" wire. Small steering arms are difficult to find today. SKU Number: MPJ2247
Complete steering arm assembly, Nylon with clevis drilled for 2-56 wire. Klevis meaty enough to drill for 4-40 also. SKU Number: SOT117
1-1/4 (31.7mm) steering arm assembly. Nylon steering arm with bushing and set screw fits 5/32 (4mm) nose gear wire. Snap on E/Z Connector included. Daves Comments: Unlike the crappy junk that comes from China, you get a real socket head cap screw with this part. What is significant here is they are heat treated and the tip of the screw will cut into the nose gear music wire (which is VERY hard) actually locking the arm to the wire. POOR quality units come with a silver looking screw which is soft and the wire actually dents the tip of the screw when tigtened. This is why the slip constantly. SKU Number: DUB155