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  3. Receiver NiMH Packs

All top quality NiMH packs in capacity order. We are happy to customize with any connector, wire type or lengh. Even multiple output connectors (for dual switches or direct charge) if you wish. Don't see what you like? Put your request in the notes section of your order and we'll do our best to please.
Receiver Pack Forming Charge Chart
CapacityChemistryForm Charge
Hours @50mah
Form Charge
Hours @70mah
Form Charge
Hours @100mah
Form Charge
Hours @150mah
Peak Charge
After Forming
160NiMHDAMAGE (15mah max!)DAMAGEDAMAGEDAMAGE80 to 320 mah (.32amp)32mah
260NiMHDAMAGE (25mah max!)DAMAGEDAMAGEDAMAGE100 to 520 mah (.52amp)52mah
720AAANiMH20.214.4DAMAGEDAMAGE.36 to 1.4 amps100-150mah
800 AAA
1000 AAA
Super Lattice
1500 2/3 SCNiMh42302114.75 to 3.0 amp300mah
1650 AANiMH46.23323.115.4.85 to 3.3 amps300mah
2150 4/5ANiMH60. to 4.3 amps*400mah
2700 ANiMH75.65437.825.21.3 to 5.4 amps*500mah
4000 5/4ANiMH112805637.32 to 8 amps*800mah
5000SCNiMH14010070462.5 to 10 amps*1 amp

*Charge current through standard hobby plugs (fit your RX pins) is limited to 4 amps.

Charger presumed to be factory wall charger. Peak chargers are poor choice for forming, you'll struggle. Peak charging is only reliable after proper form charging. Form charging when new is a MUST. Repeat form after 30 days or more storage or after any replacement of cells in pack. Most packs will reach the good zone (85% of rating or better) within 3 to 5 cycles. They continue to improve slowly over further cycles. We have seen some cells require 10-15 cycles to hit full stride. You do not have an issue if you formed the pack properly and it's continuing to improve (no mater how slowly) over a number of cycles. Simply keep cycling it. We only want to hear about it if you have formed it properly, have at least 6 cycles of data "recorded on paper" and the results are staying flat or reducing. Your data sheet is required with the pack upon return. All other packs will be returned to you.

There is no warranty, return or telephone consultation available if you failed to form charge your pack as described above. Learn from your errors and order a replacement. I've been though this hundreds of times, the proper and reliable methods are established. Anything outside of these proper methods is experimentation at your expense.

FDK Twicell 2500mAh 4-AA Cell 4.8V NIMH RX LSD Pack

FDK Twicell 2500mAh 4-AA Cell 4.8V NIMH RX LSD Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) AA 2500 NIMH. "Twicell" low self discharge (LSD) type (formerly known as Eneloop) which comes partially charged and is the same product as prior Eneloop cells. Same size as 700 and 1100 NiCad pack above. Less weight than 1400 NiCads above. Good cell where fast charging is not a needed but extra capacity is desirable.

4.8V Weight 155g, 5.5 oz.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 20.0m?

All AA size cells over 1700mah should not be fast charged ever! If you repeat this experiment, your on your own. I recommend only factory wall wart charging with units rated of 70mah or less for these type cells.

Choose desired connector and shape/configuration below.


SKU Number: RRC04H2500TW
Price: $26.00 
Pack Shape 

FDK Twicell 2500mAh 5-AA Cell 6V NIMH RX LSD Pack

FDK Twicell 2500mAh 5-AA Cell 6V NIMH RX LSD Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) AA 2500 NIMH. "Twicell" low self discharge (LSD) type (formerly known as Eneloop) which comes partially charged and is the same product as prior Twicell (Eneloop) cells. Same size as 700 and 1100 NiCad pack above. Less weight than 1400 NiCads above. Good cell where fast charging is not a needed but extra capacity is desirable.

6V Weight 194g, 6.875 oz.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 20.0mΩ

All AA size cells over 1700mah should not be fast charged ever! If you repeat this experiment, you're on your own. I recommend only factory wall wart charging with units rated of 70mah or less for these type cells.

Choose desired connector and pack shape/configuration below.


SKU Number: RRC05H2500TW
Price: $32.50 
Pack Shape 

FDK Twicell 2500mAh 4-AA Cell 4.8V NIMH RX LSD Square Pack

FDK Twicell 2500mAh 4-AA Cell 4.8V NIMH RX LSD Square Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) HR-3U-GTX AA 2500mAh NIMH. "Twicell" low self discharge type (formerly known as Eneloop) which comes partially charged and is the same product as prior Twicell (Eneloop) cells. Same size as 700 and 1100 NiCad pack above. Less weight than 1400 NiCads above. Good cell where fast charging is not a needed but extra capacity is desirable.

All AA size cells over 1700mah should not be fast charged ever! If you repeat this experiment, your on your own. I recommend only factory wall wart charging with units rated of 70mah or less for these type cells.

Voltage: 4.8 Volts
Capacity: 2500mAh (maximum 2620mAh)
Chemistry: Nickel Metal Hydride - Ni-MH (Pre-charged)
Single Cell Dimensions: Diameter 0.58"(14.35mm) x Height 1.99" (50.4mm)
Weight: 4.8V Weight 155g, 5.5 oz.
Termination: Button Top
Individual Cell Internal Impedance: 20.0mΩ


SKU Number: RRC04H2500TWS
Price: $26.00 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt RX Double Barrel/Stick Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt RX Double Barrel/Stick Pack

FDK (Sanyo) Twicell NiMH HR-AAAUC 700mAh
Double Barrel (Double Stick) Pack fits in most any 1/2A ship or sailplane with lots more duration! About same weight as 350 Nicad pack. AAA size cells, it's small size is unbelievable! Typical uses are from 1/2A up to 5 standard servos and sailplanes.

FDK HR-AAAUC Flat top cell Twicell Battery - Single Cell 1.2 Volt 700mAh AAA Ni-MH

Capacity: 730 mAh
Discharge Rate: 1 Amps
Single Cell Length: 1.73"
Single Cell Diameter: 0.41"
Single Cell Weight: 0.43 ounces
Pack Weight 51.5g, 1.82 oz.
Termination: Flat Top (Tech Cell for Battery Packs)

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 70mAh or less, peak detecting 350-700mAh. Slow charging is always recommended.



SKU Number: RRC04H0700X
Price: $16.00 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt RX Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt RX Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell NiMH HR-AAAUC 700mAh
Fits in most any 1/2A ship or sailplane with lots more duration! About same weight as 350 NiCad pack. AAA size cells, it's small size is unbelievable! Typical uses are from 1/2A up to 5 standard servos and sailplanes.

FDK HR-AAAUC Flat top cell Twicell Battery - Single Cell 1.2 Volt 700mAh AAA Ni-MH

Capacity: 730 mAh
Discharge Rate: 1 Amps
Single Cell Length: 1.73"
Single Cell Diameter: 0.41"
Single Cell Weight: 0.43 ounces
Pack Weight 51.5g, 1.82 oz.
Termination: Flat Top (Tech Cell for Battery Packs)

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 70mAh or less, peak detecting 350-700mAh. Slow charging is always recommended.


SKU Number: RRC04H0700F
Price: $16.00 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt Square RX pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt Square RX pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell NiMH HR-AAAUC 700mAh

Fits in most any 1/2 ship or HLG (sq) with a lot more duration! About same weight as 350 Nicad pack. AAA size cells, it's small size is unbelievable! AAA size cells, it's small size is unbelievable! Typical uses are from 1/2A up to 5 standard servos and sailplanes.

FDK HR-AAAUC Flat top cell Twicell Battery - Single Cell 1.2 Volt 700mAh AAA Ni-MH

Capacity: 730 mAh
Discharge Rate: 1 Amps
Single Cell Length: 1.73"
Single Cell Diameter: 0.41"
Single Cell Weight: 0.43 ounces
Pack Weight 51.5g, 1.82 oz.
Termination: Flat Top (Tech Cell for Battery Packs)

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 70mAh or less, peak detecting 350-700mAh. Slow charging is always recommended.


SKU Number: RRC04H0700S
Price: $16.00 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 5-AAA Cell 6V RX Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 5-AAA Cell 6V RX Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell NiMH HR-AAAUC 700mAh

Fits in most any 1/2 ship or HLG (sq) with a lot more duration! About same weight as 350 NiCad pack. Great for extra zip in your weight critical ships. Excellent Combat and Hoverbat pack.

FDK HR-AAAUC Flat top cell Twicell Battery - Single Cell 1.2 Volt 700mAh AAA Ni-MH

Capacity: 730 mAh
Discharge Rate: 1 Amp
Single Cell Length: 1.73"
Single Cell Diameter: 0.41"
Single Cell Weight: 0.43 ounces
Pack Weight: 67.5g, 2.38 oz.
 Termination: Flat Top (Tech Cell for Battery Packs)

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 70mAh or less, peak detecting 350-700mAh. Slow charging is always recommended.


SKU Number: RRC05H0700F
Price: $20.00 

FDK/Sanyo 1000mah NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt Flat RX Pack w/Shrink & Wire

FDK/Sanyo 1000mah NiMH 4-AAA cell 4.8volt Flat RX Pack w/Shrink & Wire

FDK (formerly Sanyo) NiMH HR-AAAU 1000. Fits in most any 1/2 ship or HLG (sq) with a lot more duration! About same weight as 350 NiCad pack. AAA size cells, it's small size is unbelievable! Weight 55.2g, 1.95 oz. Select custom connectors below. Note: Photo shows cell version for retail packaging. Usually cell is in generic green shrink. We build out of what is available at the time.

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 50 mah or less. We do not recommend fast charging this cell by any method.
Updated photo coming, also comes in Dark green FDK/Sanyo cell casing with black shrink.



SKU Number: RRC04H1000F
Price: $17.00 

FDK/Sanyo 1000mAh 5-Cell 6V AAA NiMH RX Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo 1000mAh 5-Cell 6V AAA NiMH RX Flat Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) 5-Cell 6V AAA 1000 HR4U NiMH flat configuration with shrink and wire. Note: Photo shows cell version for retail packaging. Usually cell is in generic green shrink. We build using what is available at the time.

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 50mah or less. We do not recommend fast charging this cell by any method.



SKU Number: RRC05H1000F
Price: $21.00 
Output Wire 

FDK/Sanyo 1000mAh 5-Cell 6V AAA NiMH RX Hump Pack

FDK/Sanyo 1000mAh 5-Cell 6V AAA NiMH RX Hump Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) 5-Cell, 6V, AAA 1000 HR4U NiMH Receiver Battery Hump Pack.

NiMH offers some incredible advantages in size and weight.

Weight: 68g, 2.4 oz.

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 100mah or less, peak detecting 500-2000mah.

Select custom out put wire lead, connector, and hump pack configuration style below.




SKU Number: RRC05H1000BN
Price: $21.00 
Pack Shape Configuration 
Output Wire 

Elite 1500mAh High Drain 4 Cell 2/3A NiMH 4.8v Battery RX Pack

Elite 1500mAh High Drain 4 Cell 2/3A NiMH 4.8v Battery RX Pack

High capacity 4.8v flat, RX pack. Weight 99.2g/3.5oz. 22 ga wire. Elite 4 cell "2/3A" size high capacity, high discharge NiMH cells.

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 150mah or less, peak detecting 700-2800mah.

Choose pack shape/configuration and output connector(s) below.



SKU Number: RRC04H1500ELF
Price: $24.00 

Elite 1500mAh High Drain 5 Cell 2/3A NiMH 6V Battery Flat RX Pack

Elite 1500mAh High Drain 5 Cell 2/3A NiMH 6V Battery Flat RX Pack

High capacity 6V flat, RX pack. Weight 125g/4.4oz. 22 ga wire. Elite 5 cell "2/3A" size high capacity, high discharge NiMH cells.

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 150mah or less, peak detecting 700-2800mah.



SKU Number: RRC05H1500ELF
Price: $29.00 

FDK/Sanyo 1650mah AA NiMH 4 Cell 4.8V Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo 1650mah AA NiMH 4 Cell 4.8V Flat Pack

Weight 112g, 3.95 oz. 4.8V FDK (formerly Sanyo) HR-AAU 1650mAh. NIMH.
Yes, this is standard AA size cell.
If your using factory packs, you'll fly all day on this pack!
Absolutely an outstanding choice if you are tired of quick charging at the field or have a limited space and need a high capacity pack.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 25.0Ω

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 165mah or less, peak detecting 800-3300mah.


SKU Number: RRC04H1650F
Price: $19.50 

 FDK (Sanyo) 1650mah NiMH 4 Cell 4.8V AA Square Pack

FDK (Sanyo) 1650mah NiMH 4 Cell 4.8V AA Square Pack

Weight 112g, 3.95 oz. 4.8V FDK (formerly Sanyo) HR-AAU 1650 NIMH. Yes, this is standard AA size cell. If your using factory packs, you'll fly all day on this pack! This pack is square configuration. Like 4 barrel shotgun, 2 over 2 barrels.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 25.0Ω

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 165mah or less, peak detecting 800-3300mah.


SKU Number: RRC04H1650S
Price: $19.50 

FDK (Sanyo) 1650mah NiMH 5-AA Cell 6V Flat RX Pack

FDK (Sanyo) 1650mah NiMH 5-AA Cell 6V Flat RX Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) 6V HR-AAU 1650mAh NIMH.
Yes, this is a standard size AA cell with extreme capacity and an extra cell for more servo zip.
Weight 139g - 4.91oz.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 25.0Ω

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 165mah or less, peak detecting 800-3300mah.


SKU Number: RRC05H1650F
Price: $24.50 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 1900mah NiMH AA 4-Cell 4.8V Square Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 1900mah NiMH AA 4-Cell 4.8V Square Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) Twicell (formerly Eneloop) 4.8V, 1900mAh, AA 4 Cell Square Pack.

FDK's new more environmentally friendly NiMH battery. Although these are advertised as charged and ready to go right out of the package, we recommend a forming charge period prior to use. The Twicell NiMH type has lower daily self discharge than typical NiMH cells. These cells have done well in our in house tests and I feel good about offering them for RC usage.

Be aware this cell is a newer product and does not have a deep record in the RC community. However, thus far they seem to be performing well. We offer them for your evaluation.

Overnight charging suggestion is stock factory wall wart 50mah or less.

Although FDK's website shows Cx1 (capacity x 1) fast charge rates with a NiMH rated charger, I'm not prepared to warranty any packs damaged by fast charging or peak charging in any form. If you insist on experimenting with fast charging and damage a pack, call FDK, not Radical RC.


FDK HR-3UTG Twicell Battery - 1.2 Volt 1900mAh AA Ni-MH Button Top ( extending )

Weight 51.5g, 1.8 oz.

SKU Number: RRC04H1900TWS
Price: $26.00 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 1900mah NiMH AA 6.0V 5-cell Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 1900mah NiMH AA 6.0V 5-cell Flat Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) Twicell (formerly Sanyo Eneloop) 6.0V, 1900mAh, AA, 5 Cell Flat Pack. FDK's more environmentally friendly NiMH battery. Although these are advertised as charged and ready to go right out of the package, we recommend a forming charge period prior to use. The Twicell NiMH type has lower daily self discharge than typical NiMH cells. These cells have done well in our in house tests and I feel good about offering them for RC usage.

Overnight charging suggestion is stock factory wall wart 50-70mah.

Although FDK's website shows Cx1 (capacity x 1) fast charge rates with a NiMH rated charger, I'm not prepared to warranty any packs damaged by fast charging or peak charging in any form. If you insist on experimenting with fast charging and damage a pack, call FDK, not Radical RC.

Weight 136g, 4.8 oz.

SKU Number: RRC05H1900TWF
Price: $31.00 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell, 1900mah NiMH AA 4 Cell 4.8V Flat or Double Barrel Stick Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell, 1900mah NiMH AA 4 Cell 4.8V Flat or Double Barrel Stick Pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) Twicell (formerly Sanyo Eneloop) 4.8V, 1900mAh, AA 4 Cell Flat Pack.

FDK's new more environmentally friendly NiMH battery. Although these are advertised as charged and ready to go right out of the package, we recommend a forming charge period prior to use. The Twicell NiMH type has lower daily self discharge than typical NiMH cells. These cells have done well in our in house tests and I feel good about offering them for RC usage.

Be aware this cell is a newer product and does not have a deep record in the RC community. However, thus far they seem to be performing well. We offer them for your evaluation.

Overnight charging suggestion is stock factory wall wart 50-70mah or less.

Although FDK's website shows Cx1 (capacity x 1) fast charge rates with a NiMH rated charger, I'm not prepared to warranty any packs damaged by fast charging or peak charging in any form. If you insist on experimenting with fast charging and damage a pack, call FDK, not Radical RC.

FDK HR-3UTG Twicell Battery - 1.2 Volt 1900mAh AA Ni-MH Button Top ( extending )

Weight 99.5g, 3.5 oz.

Choose configuration below, "Flat" is 4 cells side by side, "Double Barrel Stick" is 2 cells end to end beside 2 cells end to end like a Double Barrel Shotgun.

SKU Number: RRC04H1900TWF
Price: $26.00 

Radical RC 2150mah 4-Cell 4.8V NIMH Battery Flat Pack

Radical RC 2150mah 4-Cell 4.8V NIMH Battery Flat Pack

Weight 130.2g, 4.6oz. Sanyo 4/5 "A" size cell.
Great for .60 Heli, 1/4 scale size ships and others with extra or high torque servos.
Lots of bang for the size of this pack.
Double lead option avialable here.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 25.0Ω


SKU Number: RRC04H2150F
Price: $26.00 

Radical RC 2150mah 4/5 "A", 5-Cell 6V NIMH Battery Flat Pack

Radical RC 2150mah 4/5 "A", 5-Cell 6V NIMH Battery Flat Pack

Weight 171g, 6.03oz. Sanyo 4/5 "A" size cell.
Great for Heli and 1/4 Scale range ships.
Will handle your high torque servos with ease.
Extra cell for extra servo zip and torque.
Double lead option available on this pack.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 25.0Ω

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 215mah or less, peak detecting 1075-4000mah.
4 amps is the max charge rate through hobby pins.


SKU Number: RRC05H2150F
Price: $32.00 

FDK/Sanyo 2700mah AU 4-Cell 4.8V NiMH Flat Pack

FDK/Sanyo 2700mah AU 4-Cell 4.8V NiMH Flat Pack

Weight 160g, 5.6 oz. 4.8V Sanyo AU 2700 NIMH. 1 7/8 x 2 1/2 x 2 x 5/8

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 270mah or less, peak detecting 1350-4000mah.
4 amps is the max charge rate through hobby pins.



SKU Number: RRC04H2700AF
Price: $27.00 

FDK/Sanyo 2700mAh AU 5-Cell 6V NIMH RX Flat pack

FDK/Sanyo 2700mAh AU 5-Cell 6V NIMH RX Flat pack

FDK (formerly Sanyo) AU 2700 NIMH. Same size as 1400 and 1700 Nicad pack above. Less weight than 1800 Sub C above. 1.25oz heavier than 1400 AAU pack. NiMH offers some incredible advantages in size and weight. Very popular for giant scale in dual RX pack sets. Double lead options available. Weight 193g, 6.875 oz.

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 20.0Ω

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 270mah or less, peak detecting 1350-4000mah.
4 amps is the max charge rate through hobby pins.

Single Cell Specifications:

Nominal Voltage: 1.2V

Capacity: 2700mAh Typical capacity when a single cell is discharged at 0.2lt after being charged at 0.1lt for 16 hours.

Minimum Capacity: 2500mAh Minimum capacity when a single cell is discharged at 0.2lt after being charged at 0.1lt for 16 hours.

Dimension: 18.1mm X 67mm 

Weight: 57g 



SKU Number: RRC05H2700AF
Price: $34.00 
Output Wire Length 

FDK 4000mah 4/3AU cell 4-Cell 4.8V NIMH RX Pack

FDK 4000mah 4/3AU cell 4-Cell 4.8V NIMH RX Pack

FDK(Sanyo) HR-4/3AU 4000 NIMH.
Slightly longer than 1400 A Nicad, same diameter.
Stump pulling power!
1.15 oz heavier than 1800 sub C with over double the capacity.
Do you have a project requiring the ultimate capacity? Here it is!
Weight 7.75 oz.
Individual Cell Internal Impedance 20.0Ω

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 400mah or less, peak detecting 2000-4000mah.
4 amps is the max charge rate through hobby pins.

Limited supply left, next shipment August 2024. 

SKU Number: RRC04H4000F
Price: $36.00 

FDK 4000mah 4/3AU 5 cell 6V NIMH RX Pack

FDK 4000mah 4/3AU 5 cell 6V NIMH RX Pack

Weight 9.7 oz. FDK (Sanyo) HR-4/3AU 4000 NIMH. Slightly longer than 1400 A Nicad, same diameter. Stump pulling power! 1.875 oz heavier than 1800 sub C with over double the capacity. Do you have a project requiring the ultimate capacity? Here it is! Double lead and heavier wire lead options available. Very popular for Heli's over 60 size, 40% and up dual packs etc.
Dimension: 3-1/4" Long x 2-11/16" Wide x 1-1/8" Thick

Individual Cell Internal Impedance 20.0Ω

Limited supply left, next shipment August 2024. 

SKU Number: RRC05H4000F
Price: $45.00 
1st Output 
2nd Output 

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 5-AAA Cell 6V RX Hump Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell 700mAh NiMH 5-AAA Cell 6V RX Hump Pack

FDK/Sanyo Twicell NiMH HR-AAAUC 700mAh

Fits in most any 1/2 ship or HLG (sq) with a lot more duration! About same weight as 350 NiCad pack. Great for extra zip in your weight critical ships. Excellent Combat and Hoverbat pack.

FDK HR-AAAUC Flat top cell Twicell Battery - Single Cell 1.2 Volt 700mAh AAA Ni-MH

Capacity: 730 mAh
Discharge Rate: 1 Amp
Single Cell Length: 1.73"
Single Cell Diameter: 0.41"
Single Cell Weight: 0.43 ounces
Pack Weight: 67.5g, 2.38 oz.
Termination: Flat Top (Tech Cell for Battery Packs)

Suggested charge rate non-peak detecting 70mAh or less, peak detecting 350-700mAh. Slow charging is always recommended.


SKU Number: RRC05H0700BN
Price: $20.00 
Pack Shape Configuration 
Output Wire 



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Or call us at: 937-236-2455