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2130 Harshman Rd. Dayton,  OH  45424 
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Here you'll find the tape products we carry for hinging, repairs, jigging and other mechanical purposes. To find appearance tapes in colors, aluminum and etc, be sure to check out Covering Films & Tape.

Double Sided Tape For Slow Stick Tail

Double Sided Tape For Slow Stick Tail

.400 wide by 8 5/8" long section of double sided tape. Used to mount Slow Stick vertical stab to side of boom. Many other uses possible. Genuine factory replacement part.

SKU Number: GWAP088
Price: $0.25 

Radical RC Acrylic Clear Tape  2" x 110yd

Radical RC Acrylic Clear Tape 2" x 110yd

2" x 110 yard roll, Acrylic Tape. 2mill thickness (0.002"). Great on foamies, Zagi's or even use it for Trim! Best clear packing tape ever! Tough and light.
Price: $3.50 

Radical RC Acrylic Brown Tape  2" x 110yd

Radical RC Acrylic Brown Tape 2" x 110yd

2" x 110 yard roll, Acrylic Tape. 2mill thickness (0.002"). Great on foamies, Zagi's or even use it for Trim! Best brown packing tape ever! Tough and light.
Price: $3.50 



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Or call us at: 937-236-2455