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E-Motor Specific
1.5mm Prop Reamer

1.5mm Prop Reamer

Special undersize cutter. Use to ream GWS 3x3 and 3x2 props for 1.5mm shaft brushless motors and the EDP50XC (Direct Drive IPS Motor) applications. If props aren't reamed before use, it is possible to push backplate off of motor. The factory holes in these props are inconsistent and often way too tight.
Price: $2.50 

Combo Shaft Straightener 2mm & 1.5mm

Combo Shaft Straightener 2mm & 1.5mm

Use this handy tool to straighten out bent motor shafts. Works on 2.0mm and 1.5mm shafts.
2mm works for most 20mm OD motors, 280, 300, 350 + 370.
1.5mm works for 12mm OD motors, Medusa, Fiegao, AON, and GWS 50XC.
Simple design allows you to see misalignment and gives you a locked on handle to adjust it all in one tool.

General use instrucitons: Tool is made on a precision lathe, hole is sized to fit shaft and is in exact center of shaft, set screw locks tool to shaft. Attach to shaft and spin tool. Tool lengthens shaft magnifying effect of bend so you can more easily see exactly how much bend it has and which direction it is bent in. Tool provides handle to give leverage to bend shaft back with. May also be chucked up in drill press, run drill press on low RPM and inspect motor wobble, push on motor to remove shaft bend.

SKU Number: JCSSS152

Price: $12.00 

Precise Cutter & Stripper Tool

Precise Cutter & Stripper Tool

Handy wire stripper, cutter and clamp.
Cuts steel wire or copper.
Wire sizes 20-30 AWG (0.8-0.25mm), stranded or single.
Durable. This is same tool we use in the shop.

SKU Number: RRCPCSHT5023
Price: $16.00 

Replacement Shaft Set for GWS Standard Gear Puller

Replacement Shaft Set for GWS Standard Gear Puller

Replacement press pins for the Standard GWS Gear Puller. It's possible to bend a press pin with a particularly stubborn gear or missuse of tool. Here are the replacement parts to keep your puller set in good shape. Available because of direct request by Radical RC.
Price: $3.00 

Gear Puller

Gear Puller

Innovative Gear Puller is 3 units built into one. 2.3mm, 3.2mm(1/8),3.8 (.150") for larger shafts.


Price: $36.00 

Hobby Pin Crimp Tool

Hobby Pin Crimp Tool

This is the crimp tool made just for our type of connector pins. This tool crimps the wire tighter than any other we've tested. Use this tool to make custom harnesses, do your own battery connectors or modify existing wiring.


Price: $17.00 

Powerpole Power Crimp Tool

Powerpole Power Crimp Tool

High performance Powerpole crimp tool for a reasonable price. Crimps all three sizes of Powerpole contacts; 15, 30 and 45 amp. Ratcheted mechanism assures proper crimps every time. Contact positioner holds contacts correctly while crimping. Far faster and better than soldering. The highest strength and the lowest resistance connections possible. Long high leverage handle makes even 45 amp 10 gauge crimps easy. Dimensions H,W,D 7.75" X 3" X 1.5" Weight 20 ounces Contact retention force, 15, 25 amp contacts More than 25 pounds Contact retention force, 45 amp contacts More than 35 pounds.


Price: $39.95 



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