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  3. Plastics Specific

Adhesives/CA/Epoxy - Misc adhesives found here, choose Sub-Category for specific product type.
Aliphetic Resin CA-Cyanoacrylate Epoxy Plastics-Specific Solvent-Based-Glues Tips-Cups-Mixing-Etc Totes-Glue-Combos

Be sure to check out Composites Category other related items like Resins, Fiberglass Cloth, Micro Balloons and etc.

These adhesives are primarily used in plastic model construction. They work by disolving and and linking the polymers in the joint. They are useful for repairing broken plastic parts and construction of special projects. These adhesives are not useful on foams, wood or other materials. They are toxic and flammable and should only be used under adult supervision.

Tamiya Extra Thin Cement

Tamiya Extra Thin Cement

The thin cement flows smoothly between the gaps of the fitted parts by capillary action. The pointed applicator tip makes it easy to put the cement where desired.
SKU Number: TAM87038
Price: $4.79 



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